Getting rid of rogue casinos & affiliates


Mar 27, 2010
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It is actually not that hard at all. The only thing needed to do that is to stop the payments from the honest outfits to the rogue affiliates until they pull the banners/links to the rogue outfits. Which is inevitably going to happen because the vast majority of rogue affiliates are in the revenue share model and promote usually a lot of outfits therefore such a move is inevitably going to hurt. The normal rules shouldn't be applied here because if you're a rogue affiliate you should be treated like one.

The problem is to define what is a rogue outfit. What everyone agrees on is that this "honour" should be awarded to the virtual group and everything that is connected to it because due to long years of rogue behaviour there is next to no chance that something is going to change because the more time passes by the harder it is to escape certain behavioral patterns.

For this reason virtual is a rogue casino group and everyone that promotes them is a rogue affiliate.

What is needed now is a list of rogue affiliates that still keep on promoting them and such a list is being compiled on this website:

If all the honest outfits - basically everyone that doesn't belong to the virtual group - stop their payments AT THE SAME TIME there is absolutely no chance that the rogue affiliates will keep the rogues on their websites because this would cost them too much.

It is possible to smash virtual this way because this group heavily relies on affiliates to deliver new traffic and isn't great at all in customer retention.

There is actually no need to go after another rogues because should virtual go under they'll become aware that their days are counted and the only way to escape this fate is to start to improve. So the best tactic would be to wait to see what happens.

There is no need too to target XXX affiliates because if 20-30 or so bigger ones like this one:

are forced to pull the links the rest will follow suit pretty quickly (although targeting as many as possible of the rogue affiliates would have the best "educational" effect).

After having an experience like this they'll thinks twice before they start to promote outfits considered rogue again therefore this kind of measures need not to be repeat too often.

That's it!

Should virtual go under, rival change its policies and a couple of new softwares be added and all of these combined with new payment methods the landscape for the US gamblers would start to look entirely different...
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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The "good" programs are not going to risk their relationship with a large affiliate over a totally separate business that has nothing to do with them. And what do you think the chances are of convincing every single affiliate program to coordinate this at the same time? As soon as a couple of good programs dropped mr super-affiliate there would be 10 others stepping in to increase their exposure.

Your intentions are sound but you need to consider reality.


Mar 27, 2010
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I have edited your links out to the other sites it is not fair to link directly to them and call them out IMO for who they are promoting.

Do you wanna protect corrupted scumbags like zuga?


Mar 27, 2010
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The "good" programs are not going to risk their relationship with a large affiliate over a totally separate business that has nothing to do with them.

The real risk is to get crushed by the US and other authorities over issues like that.

And what do you think the chances are of convincing every single affiliate program to coordinate this at the same time? As soon as a couple of good programs dropped mr super-affiliate there would be 10 others stepping in to increase their exposure.

See above; if 20-30 or so programs (the more the better) drop a "super affiliate" at the same time this will really hurt and he will give in pretty quickly. The coordination is the key.

Your intentions are sound but you need to consider reality.

You totally overestimate the importance of affiliates.


Mar 27, 2010
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This is not antagonizing - i am telling what he is about.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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See above; if 20-30 or so programs (the more the better) drop a "super affiliate" at the same time this will really hurt and he will give in pretty quickly. The coordination is the key.

For reasons stated above, that is fantasy.

You totally overestimate the importance of affiliates.

You totally underestimate how strange you sound when you contradict yourself like that. If affiliates are so unimportant then why bother with what you are proposing at all? You can't have it both ways. Affiliates are important and cleaning up or dismantling rogue casino groups is important too. They are not mutually exclusive.

Seeing as you mentioned a person's name I was able to work out one of the sites you are referring to (I think). So I looked around the site and found a clear warning at the very top of a review page telling people in so many words not to play at Cool Cat (didn't bother looking for the others, I assume they are the same). Plus a lot of feedback from players saying how bad the casino was. Also a casino rep or affiliate manager trying to assist players. In between was a review with the usual over the top crap saying how great the casino is - a message which oddly contradicts what is written above and below it.

Anyone who took the time to read the page I did would know straight away to look elsewhere based on the warning and player comments. Is that what you would call promoting? Is anyone who posts a single link to a rogue casino promoting them? Casino City lists just about every casino online, all with affiliate links - are they rogue?

Now let me say that I think virtual group are scum and they are blacklisted on our sites. We do have pages on our sites which tell people why they are blacklisted. There are no links to the sites. Are we promoting them by doing so? I don't believe we are, I believe it is better to warn players than say nothing and keep them in the dark. Education trumps abstinence!

I am not sure what to make of it as there are no easy answers to those questions, but I do know you could find a lot of far worse examples than that site where there are no warnings or published feedback from other players at all, nor is there anyone from the casino chatting with players or trying to help them.

Or perhaps I just guessed the wrong site? .. it is getting late here :/

btw I just noticed this pearl from your original post:

If all the honest outfits - basically everyone that doesn't belong to the virtual group

??? cpays, grand prive, red hot revenue ... need I go on?


Mar 27, 2010
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For reasons stated above, that is fantasy.

No - it isn't. But you need a lot of fantasy to make it work.

You totally underestimate how strange you sound when you contradict yourself like that. If affiliates are so unimportant then why bother with what you are proposing at all? You can't have it both ways. Affiliates are important and cleaning up or dismantling rogue casino groups is important too. They are not mutually exclusive.

The industry is in the way stronger position because the players deposit money there and not to the affiliates.

Seeing as you mentioned a person's name I was able to work out one of the sites you are referring to (I think). So I looked around the site and found a clear warning at the very top of a review page telling people in so many words not to play at Cool Cat (didn't bother looking for the others, I assume they are the same). Plus a lot of feedback from players saying how bad the casino was. Also a casino rep or affiliate manager trying to assist players. In between was a review with the usual over the top crap saying how great the casino is - a message which oddly contradicts what is written above and below it.

What i found looking in the forum of latestcasinobonuses is a thread with about 200.000 page views about ND bonuses from Cool Cat Casinos and one with about 30.000 or so from pampers shit hole and the list goes on... This leads to my believe that the webmaster of this website is a corrupted scumbag.

Anyone who took the time to read the page I did would know straight away to look elsewhere based on the warning and player comments. Is that what you would call promoting? Is anyone who posts a single link to a rogue casino promoting them? Casino City lists just about every casino online, all with affiliate links - are they rogue?

Yes. And GPWA is borderline at best.

Now let me say that I think virtual group are scum and they are blacklisted on our sites. We do have pages on our sites which tell people why they are blacklisted. There are no links to the sites. Are we promoting them by doing so? I don't believe we are, I believe it is better to warn players than say nothing and keep them in the dark. Education trumps abstinence!

It would be the better option to remove the webmasters that promote this group instead of blacklisting them everywhere.

I am not sure what to make of it as there are no easy answers to those questions, but I do know you could find a lot of far worse examples than that site where there are no warnings or published feedback from other players at all, nor is there anyone from the casino chatting with players or trying to help them.

There may by not easy answers to those question but there is an easy solution to this problem: target the money of the rogue webmasters.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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It would be the better option to remove the webmasters that promote this group instead of blacklisting them everywhere.

Seriously? You would rather play a pointless game of whack-a-mole with affiliates that you claim are unimportant rather than educating, warning and helping players to make an informed decision about where to play?

Do you think any affiliate programs care what other programs may be promoted on a super-affiliate's site? (apart from the obvious one that they would all like to be in top positions etc) No, all that matters is players and revenue and as soon as one program stops working with a super-affiliate that means there is a bigger piece of the pie for the others to fight over. It might not be fair or nice but it is reality.

I'll even indulge you and consider what might happen if all these "good" programs dropped a super-affiliate. What would they do with their spare traffic and inventory? They would only have the rogues left to work with, wouldn't they? So how exactly does that achieve the aim of lowering traffic to the rogues?


Mar 27, 2010
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Seriously? You would rather play a pointless game of whack-a-mole with affiliates that you claim are unimportant rather than educating, warning and helping players to make an informed decision about where to play?

This what you call a pointless game of whack-a-mole with the affiliates would spare the players educating, warning and helping to make an informed decision about where to play because there wouldn't be any rogues left if the impulse goes through...

Do you think any affiliate programs care what other programs may be promoted on a super-affiliate's site? (apart from the obvious one that they would all like to be in top positions etc) No, all that matters is players and revenue and as soon as one program stops working with a super-affiliate that means there is a bigger piece of the pie for the others to fight over. It might not be fair or nice but it is reality.

If you look at a program like this one:

C-Planet - The Best Casino Affiliate Program - Program Details

The reality is that you don't need to pay 45% rev share to a super affiliate because there are ways to achieve the same traffic for a fraction of the costs. I actually believe that the whole affiliate thing will be dropped at some point of time.

I'll even indulge you and consider what might happen if all these "good" programs dropped a super-affiliate. What would they do with their spare traffic and inventory? They would only have the rogues left to work with, wouldn't they? So how exactly does that achieve the aim of lowering traffic to the rogues?

Is it your point to prove what kind of scumbags we deal here with?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Sorry man but in this thing called reality we live in there will always be bad people, greedy people, and rogue casinos. The best you and all honest affiliates can do is to give people the information they need to identify a rogue and make an intelligent decision.

I thought my point was obvious. If you force good programs to stop dealing with a rogue affiliate then the rogue affiliate is likely to send more traffic to rogue casinos. Pretty simple.

Your intentions are good, you just need to come up with something more realistic that has a chance of actually working in "the real world". I still can't reconcile your statements saying how unimportant affiliates are, how they will disappear soon etc with how important you think it is to weed out rogue affiliates. It is a giant contradiction.

Anyway this thread is going nowhere. I am out. Good luck!


Mar 27, 2010
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Sorry man but in this thing called reality we live in there will always be bad people, greedy people, and rogue casinos. The best you and all honest affiliates can do is to give people the information they need to identify a rogue and make an intelligent decision.

The best you and all honest affiliates can do is to get rid of people like you vladi.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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How very childish. I consider myself an honest affiliate so your statement is not only stupid and offensive (no doubt intended), but sadly not unexpected. I am trying to help you as you don't appear to have thought through your idea very well.

If a little constructive criticism hurts you so much then you need to either grow up or find yourself another forum to proudly get banned from.


Mar 27, 2010
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From an other forum:

"I learned something a while back that if you put a good product next to a bad one, the good one always prevails. Not that I condone (really ???) placing a poor product next to a good one. The example of 32Red next to Cool cat is one that players would remember, "Oh, have heard about Cool Cat, they're bad, will go for the other one!"

Draw your conclusions...
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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The best you and all honest affiliates can do is to get rid of people like you vladi.

It is childesh comments like this that get you banned, Nitro. Discuss topics like a rational adult, with professionalism, please.

Vladi is a very good webmaster and another comment like this will have you banned as permanently as possible.


Mar 27, 2010
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It is childesh comments like this that get you banned, Nitro. Discuss topics like a rational adult, with professionalism, please.

Your talk about "professionalism" is childish because this way you try to silence what you won't to hear guard dog.

Vladi is a very good webmaster and another comment like this will have you banned as permanently as possible.

No, he isn't. His behaviour in this thread is the proof.


Mar 27, 2010
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Unprofessional behaviour is having a banner to latestcasinobonuses on the homepage and mods like bonusstreak who defends this scumbag or the other maid dominique who is still active on the CAP forums.

You of course don't care that the wannabet casino has a highly suspicious software that isn't audited.

You're on the same level like CAP/GPWA.

I thought there is something to guard dog but it's more and more obvious that you are a joke.

I won't waste my time with you and the people here anymore and this is my last posting (don't forget the ban).

Good bye!
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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:eek: You have stepped over the line now and need banning! If the dog is not online right now to do it I will be doing it myself and he can lift it if he feels it necessary but your way out of line and out of control. Vladi has been on AGD since the start and is a great person your attacks are ridiculous.