Genesys Affiliates stole money from affiliates! With proof, pictures, and much more(UPDATE NOTE: PAID)


New Member
I was a member of Genesys affiliates for 4-5 years, at certain points I used to make $ 2-3000 per month there, and at that time they were my biggest affiliate partner.

Luckily, lately this has dropped, and I'm no longer reliant on them (an others have went up). So I can finally drop them.

For years I suffered under their yoke, but the money was good so I didn't quit (although I wanted to for a long time, but you know, money makes the world go round...).

For context, I'm a full time affiliate gambling blogger for 10+ years, not my first time getting scammed by an affiliate program.

But this is by far the worst affiliate program I had the misfortune to be a part of. Here are some of the things, which were common, regular occurrences:

-if you had an issue, and that was not something super simple, e.g.: password change or sending banners, you always had to send 20 emails, over a period of two weeks, and you were lucky if someone bothered to answer, ticketing system was not functional

- you never know who you were supposed to contact, because the guy (not naming him here, for ethical reasons, although he would deserve it) never responded and purposefully ignored emails you sent, and his only response was "go and bother him instead" (paraphrasing)

-the person that was supposed to help, just directed me to people who often didn't even work at the company anymore, so I ended up sending emails for weeks to someone who was not even an employee of the company anymore... and then when I went back to complain about this, I was made to be the bad guy, and I always felt like a nuisance for making them do their job...

-if you put more than two sentences in an email, only the first half would be answered, and the second half was always ignored, so you always had to write emails like you would be sending them to kindergarteners, EVERY. SENTENCE. A. SEPERATE. EMAIL. Really annoying.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY! THEY STOLE MONEY FROM ME (and I assume other affiliates too). Not to mention the many issues players had in the casinos and the many 1/10 and 0/10 reviews online!!! It's not just me, they are scamming people left and right, just look around online.

Ever since they stole money, it's all radio silence and they all disappeared, even my official support ticket is not assigned to anyone.

This is really bad, has SCAM written all over it. Therefore, if you are a Genesys affiliate, I strongly advise you to quit,while you still can, because it's unlikely that you will be paid for very long (and they are probably already stealing from you but you just haven't noticed).


For legal reasons I have uploaded the pictures, proof and detailed explanation, bank statements, screenshots of the affiliate program on my blog and not here, and I have blurred the names, email addresses for legal and ethical reasons:

Black Lotus Casino and Genesys Affiliate Program Review and Scam Alert

You can check out the details there, it's at "Genesys scam", hidden behind a drop down menu.

They have made an enemy with this. And I will be targeting all of the following keywords: <name of their casino> + review, <name of their casino> + scam, and same for the affiliate program. With reviews detailing their their nefarious activities and this scam.

Now I'm on the warpath, and I won't stop until I'm on first page for all the keywords mentioned
. They have made an enemy today.

Please help by linking to this review, blog post, scam exposé, and/or mention it on your blog, website, similar etc... I know us gambling bloggers don't like to link to each other, for obvious and understandable reasons.

But please make an exception with this page! I need this on first page to get the word out and warn as many as possible. AND I NEED YOUR HELP WITH THIS. Please make an exception this once and link to the review, scam alert above.
Remember, I would do the same if it was you, if you were in a similar situation!
Thank you.
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New Member
I copied most of this from GPWA, that's why it says:

"I'm also going to put this on Affiliate Guard Dog as well, to maximize the damage to their already bad reputation."
" (I don't want GPWA to have any issue or to delete this),"

I can no longer edit this. Could someone take those parts out for me? Or change it please. Thanks.

Or if you could delete it and then I would reupload it that would be also fine. I self-reported it, but nothing happened yet.


New Member
I have removed what you have asked, if there is more please pm me with what you would like edited.
Thank you! I'm really glad that this place exist, where we can expose these disgusting practices. Hopefully it will save a few unfortunate affiliates and players. #figerscrossed


New Member
Be careful Genesys also uses the following programs to hide behind:

  • Top Refer Affiliates
  • Lotus Affiliates
  • Ultimaterevenue
It's all the same company.


New Member
@SimonTheSorcerer Please PM me your affiliate account details if you need our assistance (I have sent you a PM).

I spent the last 6 weeks literally sending 40 emails to various people ,including your top management. I'm fine thanks... I no longer waste any more time on you. Still haven't seen the money you stole from me...

But I'm slowly pushing out the reviews exposing your scam, since I posted this, two more went up:

5 more to go. ;)

Have fun with them, I hope they get to first page for the right keywords....

/Anyone reading this, who is in a position to help with that by linking to them, please do. This is to only way to make these rouge, unethical, criminal companies regret their actions, otherwise they just shut down their affiliate program, like the have done in the past, and just start a new one to scam more affiliates, but for SEO reason they don't change the URL and name of their online casinos, so that's what we need to target. Thank you if you help./


New Member
@SimonTheSorcerer Please note that I am a moderator on AGD forum, not Genesys Affiliates representative.
Okay, sorry about that. I just get extremely angry whenever I hear that name. The things they have put me through the last 4-5 years....
You wouldn't believe...

They even threatened me at some point to make sure I don't mention that they illegally accept US players and credit cards from US players, which is illegal is Curaçao, where they are registered and licensed.
The country has been sued for this by the WTO and falsely promised to put a stop to this practice. They still do it though, never stopped.

They have admitted they stole money (As much as a lying corporation can, wit usual corpo double speak), already made promises to pay.

Of course I still haven't got the money, and I probably never will. But you know, the last two months, when they have been exposed, I didn't make big amounts. They very likely stole from me throughout the years. And I used to make $2-3000 per month with them.

And the old affiliate system was designed in such a way that I couldn't even expose them stealing from me (which they haven't migrated for years, on purpose, trying to take away those accumulated players from us, they only didn't because I caused a fuss, that was extremely stressful too). That's what really hurts, they probably stole over $15K from me over the years.

If you can help with that please by all means, try.

And the worst is leaving the hundreds of registered players behind, accumulated over the 5 years. It suck to switch affiliate programs.


New Member
Full disclosure:

Surprisingly, I did get the money the have stolen from me (which they denied initially, but ended paying, so they pretty much acknowledged it by this... but whatever). BUT! Only the last two months, when I caught them red handed and have plastered proof all over the internet.

But the only reason they even responded is because I have posted this on GPWA ,and here, and have published scam alerts, and have contacted the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and the licensing authority, and the Government of Netherlands about their shady activity.

Curacao licensed gambling platforms shouldn't be able to accept players from the USA, or credit cards from the USA.

You can read more about these issues here:
European Gaming: Curaçao to Tighten Gambling Licensing Rules
Malta Today – Curaçao pressured to introduce gambling regulations

/Comment: Not to mention they lie in their terms and conditions, in the T&C they claim they don't accept players from the USA and the UK, but they do it anyway, this is very much illegal./

BUT! That really doesn't' invalidate all the things they have done over the years... All the other issues mentioned at the beginning.

Not to mention, they have been stealing from me and the other for years (including players), not just the last two months, of which I have provided proof.
Especially on the old affiliate platform, which I believe was in house, and they could rewrite the numbers as they saw fit.

There were plenty of times, when all data disappeared for 3-4 days, then magically reappeared but players and money were missing....
I have no way to prove that, as I said, it was in-house, they could rewrite the numbers as they wanted. But considering all that the others have mentioned in this thread and here:

it should not be hard to believe.

My God, these people, you should avoid them at all costs.

The amount of stress, extra work, wasted time, they caused me over the years, that alone should be enough to avoid them. They won't treat you any better, if you are a small affiliate ( but I doubt they treat even medium sized affiliates any better...).

And the fact that they proudly display "iGB Affiliate Awards Best Casino Affiliate Manager" on their site is the biggest joke ever.
I'm doing this for 10 years, and this was by far the worst affiliate program I have encountered over these years.

Anyway I work 12 hours, 6 times per week to work on what little I have (which this "colin" likes to remind me all the time, is not that much, check the GPWA link above, where he belittles me publicly, he has done that 10-15 times already during our email conversations, alongside threats and forcing me to change a review published about them).

And because of this I won't have time to keep coming back here and addressing all their lies and ***** so this is the last time I'm responding here. I'm out.

I'm finally free of them.

Genesys affiliates affiliate program review:
Worst affiliate program 0/10, do not trust them, look for a better one


  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Not Verified
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:


Audit coming soon

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