Gambling Content Marketplace


New Member
Sep 16, 2020
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FanContent is a unique platform that uses technology and the power of free markets to ensure the delivery of high-quality gambling content.

How it works:

Publishers place orders by providing details of the type of content they need, when they need it and the price they’re willing to pay for it.

The request is then presented on the FanContent marketplace where hundreds of Authors can commit to delivering the order.

When completed, it is sent to our team of Editors to ensure the content delivered meets our quality standards.

FanContent removes the hassle of managing freelancers. You can now get content on time and at a competitive price on almost any topic, including the most challenging but lucrative marketing niches on the web.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
It's an interesting idea, particularity the proof reading element - what kind of fees to you charge and who to (ie: to the publisher, writer or both). Do you also run any automated plagiarism checks or is that down to the buyer?

It might also help if you had some sample or example rates - eg: £x got a highest qualified writer with a y turnaround whist £z got a cheap and cheerful writer. Or even 'suggested rates' would help people get a jist of what to expect.

Problem with blindly setting rates is you have no idea where the threshold is for the quality or time frame is or have the ability to compare against other services or platforms.


New Member
Sep 16, 2020
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All great questions.

There are no fees to place an order. Publishers pay exactly the price they set for each order.

Our Editors are responsible to ensure there is no plagiarism and that all submissions are original. We have a zero tolerance policy for any form of plagiarism. Authors who plagiarize are banned from the platform.

Your last point about suggested rates is great feedback and one we will certainly consider implementing.