Our forums have been spammed multiple times now by a "Maria James", similar to this (links removed):
Apart from the incredibly stupid sounding casino name, I don't know anything about them. Their site has a playtech and Windows Casino logo, text throughout refers to themselves as "Blue Duck Casino" and "Windows Casino" so who knows. There is also a link to some crap looking white label casino creation service.
Avoid this one, they are in our scum bucket.
Online casinos can be divided into three groups based on their interface: web-based casinos, download-based casinos, and more recently live casinos. Some casinos offer multiple interfaces.
Maria James
Apart from the incredibly stupid sounding casino name, I don't know anything about them. Their site has a playtech and Windows Casino logo, text throughout refers to themselves as "Blue Duck Casino" and "Windows Casino" so who knows. There is also a link to some crap looking white label casino creation service.
Avoid this one, they are in our scum bucket.