Email lists


Owner of a pure black heart...
Hey guys

I have an email list that i have built on 2 separate sites over the years but i never got to market it in any way. It is not to my liking to get email with offers and was a natural instinct to avoid email or send newsletter to members.

Now my list is around 20k users and i have no idea how to take any advantage from it. Even if half is spammy link builders, a lot are double opt in members and genuine people.

So if it was you, how would you use this? would you use a program or would you use the online phplist they signed up with? is it spam if i move the emails from an online location into a program? and should i market only the site that they signed up with or a general offer with no reference to any site at all?

Im not at all experienced so any help here would be nice.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
we use aweber and each website has its own mailing list there.I would consider emailing all members with a sign up to a web based mailing program.Definitely remove all the dead email address before you spend time and money on a program like aweber.You can try to clean your list up by sending small test emails 500-1000 and as they come back undeliverable remove them from your mailing list.It is very important to keep your mailing list clean as it can result in IP blocking etc.We clean our list out every day as people unsubscribe or we get undeliverable notifications.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Also, it's important in your first email to say something like.... 'You may have signed up for our list awhile ago....' :) Otherwise many will think you are spamming them, forgetting that they signed up.

aWeber is expensive for large lists... you will pay a fortune. But they are one of the few that I didn't have to re-double-opt-in my lists. Others will make you go through another opt-in process, which can reduce your list dramatically even though the users may be interested if given a proper first newsletter.

Just my 2 cents.


Affiliate Program Representative
Would be happy to help you find affiliate programs that fit your target market, have high quality mailers and are willing to pay good rates for sign ups. When you are ready to start mailing to your database, PM me or send an email to louis at incomeaccess dot com.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
you should use your mail list for market. That not scam. But be-careful that you recommend anything must be useful to your list members.

So you should market related to your niche means your sites. Then you can sent a Broad cast mail to your list occasionally with include of full useful information. Then you can use your recommendation at last-line.


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