dmoz fraud


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 13, 2008
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The days of the opportunist listing their own sites and their pals sites while keeping others out needs to come to an end. If thats not you then you dont have anything to worry about. ;)

Oh and FYI - this is going by Google desk too so when this project is completed - expect to be out of Google too!

I agree. Thankfully I have been nothing but open and honest about all my affiliations, including the fact that I host this site and that I moderate on CasinoMeister. :)

As for google. Unless a webmaster is using black hat techniques, they will not care about whether a site is listed in DMOZ or not, apart from factoring it into their algorithim.

Personally I think your time would be much better spent on developing your sites, thats what I am doing. Hence this is my last response in this thread.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 3, 2009
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It is a sad fact that quality websites cannot get listed into DMOZ but it is even worse when quality sites are being deleted from DMOZ for no reason.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Been busy getting shaved so I haven't spent any time with dmoz since I last worked on getting soem cats cleaned out ... I think Ill get ready to clean another one or two!

Your a funny man, you crack me, seriously...





Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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it is even worse when quality sites are being deleted from DMOZ for no reason.

I had a forum listed (not gambling related) it was a good forum as it addressed issue that were not being addressed on other sites. Within a small window of time (6 months) the membership base grew rapidly.

Originally the forum URL was ../forum/ with a index home page at the domain root. However that wasn't getting hit a lot so I changed the forum over to the root and did 301's.

The forum got de-listed. Of course my suspicion was another forum owner in the same listing (a competitor) got pissy and complained, maybe had a friend as editor of that listing. Either way I was dropped for no good reason.

Personally I don't think editors of Dmoz should be given control of lists in their business connections. It's a conflict of interest. I not saying every Dmoz editor is dodgy but you can't expect people to believe no one who is a Dmoz editor does not favour friends.

It's like affiliate programs expecting us to believe they don't shave :rolleyes:

Sorry if that offends people but why volunteer as an editor for Dmoz, not too many people do thing these days without some benefit - and especially in this game!





Calling it like I see it.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry if that offends people but why volunteer as an editor for Dmoz, not too many people do thing these days without some benefit - and especially in this game!

I find it extremely entertaining when I hear affiliates claim that dmoz isn't worth the time etc ... If it werent worth the time there wouldnt be so much fraud. I figure many just dont have a clue - others just might be involved and playing dumb!

No ifs ands or buts, its extremely worth the time - these fraudsters are getting fithly rich gaming the system; and for that reason they are IMO as unethical as they come!

IMO, dmoz should totally eliminate all gambling categories.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I find it extremely entertaining when I hear affiliates claim that dmoz isn't worth the time etc ... If it werent worth the time there wouldnt be so much fraud. I figure many just dont have a clue - others just might be involved and playing dumb!

No ifs ands or buts, its extremely worth the time - these fraudsters are getting fithly rich gaming the system; and for that reason they are IMO as unethical as they come!

IMO, dmoz should totally eliminate all gambling categories.

Couldn't agree more!

What's even funnier is Dmoz and their guidelines. As far as I'm aware a site can not be considered for a listing if its content exceeds a certain % of affiliate promos (eg banners/ links/ etc...etc)...When Dmoz had its forum the editors (cough self absorbed power hungry twats)...Told me one of my gambling sites could not be listed because it had too many aff links.

Ok fair call rules are rules...However when these rules are for one they are for all...But lets take a cruise through the Gambling/Chats Forum

Hmmm I spot 10 banners on one page...And in addition 18 aff links. A total of 28 casino promos on one damn page!!!

From memory I had 6 banners and my site got knocked back :rolleyes:

Of course that site with the 28 aff links/banners is a Pal of CM's...

Other sites listed there use rotational banners so who know's they could have 20 banners going at one time...

What gets me about this is the hypocrisy...

I'll leave it at the before I say anything to really get people narky.



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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Feels like conspiracy theories run amok!

Despite the 'loads of evidence' here ;) ... I really think DMOZ's days of influence are way over. Anyone who truly believes it has influence over Google rankings these days obviously knows very little of Google's algo changes over the last few years.

But... irregardless... theories are theories. How about taking that theory and actually applying what was (in Geometry) called a 'Proof'?

Sorry, but I am a skeptic :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Of course that site with the 28 aff links/banners is a Pal of CM's...

Other sites listed there use rotational banners so who know's they could have 20 banners going at one time...

Are you referring to CM and Gone G? Yes B is allowed to have 2 listings.......friends and $$ make all the difference in this industry.

I do not bother anymore ...... DMOZ should be a directory where ALL can apply for a site listing (if good enough) for an annual fee. Non gambling editors should have a shared vote too.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Despite the 'loads of evidence' here ... I really think DMOZ's days of influence are way over. Anyone who truly believes it has influence over Google rankings these days obviously knows very little of Google's algo changes over the last few years.

It sure makes a difference.

most of these sites have links in like : Dmoz / Google / Google Au / Google etc

why do you think they want them in the first place ? Right ! Google TRUST.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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It sure makes a difference.

most of these sites have links in like : Dmoz / Google / Google Au / Google etc

why do you think they want them in the first place ? Right ! Google TRUST.

I stand by my statement... and I'll bet any SEO expert with even a modicum of worth will back it.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry, but I am a skeptic :)

A cynical person may wonder if the reason your so quick to dispel these theories are fuelled by trying to halt the thread...Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't AGD hosted on webcaz server?

None of us like seeing our friends in the firing line. But as arkyt said:

The days of the opportunist listing their own sites and their pals sites while keeping others out needs to come to an end. If thats not you then you dont have anything to worry about. ;)!

But if it's proof you want here some...

Did a quick check on the wayback machine...

XXX Jan 24 - 2007
Casinomeister's Online Casino and Poker Forum -
Gambling and Online Casino Forum gambling watchdog site.

Open Directory - Games: Gambling: Chats and Forums current listings
Casinomeister - Gambling discussion forum providing information on casino industry and player issues. Also features a player complaints resolution service.


You'll notice I've highlighted the titles in blue.

You'll also see the current listing has amazingly received both a title and description edit.

Edit: Now who changed that listing? And why was it changed? I'd put forward it was changed to benefit the SEO not the listing quality. Amazingly webzcas is a Mod at CM...I don't think I need to join the dots to why (even if there has been no favouritism) why webzcas even holding editor rights on that Dmoz page or in anything relating to gambling is so wrong on so many levels.


If that doesn't kick your scepticism in the the butt I don't know what will. Maybe removal of those blinkers might help ;D

I'm only calling it as I see it...



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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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A cynical person may wonder if the reason your so quick to dispel these theories are fuelled by trying to halt the thread...Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't AGD hosted on webcaz server?

None of us like seeing our friends in the firing line. But as arkyt said:

ha! Too freakin' funny man. Seriously. First off - didn't try to 'halt the thread'. Just asked for proof of which none is given (yeah, I read the stuff quoted below). You guys can throw theories around all day, doesn't bother me. Mostly amuses me to be quite honest.

But if it's proof you want here some...

Did a quick check on the wayback machine...

XXX Jan 24 - 2007
Casinomeister's Online Casino and Poker Forum -
Gambling and Online Casino Forum gambling watchdog site.

Open Directory - Games: Gambling: Chats and Forums current listings
Casinomeister - Gambling discussion forum providing information on casino industry and player issues. Also features a player complaints resolution service.


You'll notice I've highlighted the titles in blue.

You'll also see the current listing has amazingly received both a title and description edit.


If that doesn't kick your scepticism in the the butt I don't know what will. Maybe removal of those blinkers might help ;D

I'm only calling it as I see it...




What, exactly, does that prove? It certainly doesn't show me that Google is being manipulated as Brian has suggested.

Means that the link was updated either by a moderator or something... but ? What does that even matter?

I guess I must have my 'blinkers on'. Nice comment, BTW.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I stand by my statement... and I'll bet any SEO expert with even a modicum of worth will back it.

Well funny you should say that...Remember my gaming seo company Raw Funk held the SEO contract with Fortune Lounge in 2007. On those grounds I guess I could be considered an SEO expert...hey ;D

Lets put this to a practical test...

I see AGD has a listing:

If Dmoz is a dinosaur, how about you get your listing removed, if you sincerely believe what your say is right...surely your link removal from Dmoz would not have an adverse affect on your SERPS in Google.




Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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ok, you get me 5 SEO guys that say DMOZ listing will rise me in the SERPS by leaps and bounds and I'll remove the listing asap.

I mean real SEO guys, not hacks.

It's not gonna happen, man. Never said the link isn't valuable at all, BTW, what I did say is that it doesn't crush your opponents as Brian talks about.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
I mean real SEO guys, not hacks.

So one of the biggest casino groups who could afford to contract anyone to do their SEO, contract my company to do their SEO but I'm just a hack :rolleyes:

Never said the link isn't valuable at all

No you never said that word for word, no. But you may as well have.

Now when push comes to shove and I lay down a challenge you don't want bar of it...Sorry but why enter into the conversation? Or was it just as I stated an attempt to shut down the thread without actually locking it.

Edit: If that's a bit hard to swallow, I make no apologies. May as well chalk this up to yet another hypocrisy of "do as I say not as I do", common in this industry.

Yet another conflict of interest raising its head to stifle anyone who opposes the "boys club".



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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Since you aren't actually reading what I say, but are inferring your own thoughts from it.... you are correct, I should not stay in the thread.

My apologies for trying to garner proof that DMOZ links are worth so much more than 10,000 links anywhere else... and that it will boost you to levels unheard of :)

anyway.. I'll leave as you suggest.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
My apologies for trying to garner proof that DMOZ links are worth so much more than 10,000 links anywhere else... and that it will boost you to levels unheard of

Did I say 1 Dmoz listing is worth more than 10,000 links? No I did not. Then again if those 10,000 links are from bad neighbourhoods anything is possible. But I doubt that's the case in your instance.

However Google still uses Dmoz as secondary results.

That's a pretty powerful position to hold if your one of the fortunate site owners to have a listing in the gambling directory of Dmoz.

Edit: I call it as I see it...People may not like most of the stuff I sprout or bring to the surface. But on the flip, even though most don't like the way I post, I'm pretty sure most know, regardless of anything, I'd be there 100% sticking up for anyone who I feel has been wronged...Yep I'm a bizarre paradox.



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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Did I say 1 Dmoz listing is worth more than 10,000 links? No I did not. Then again if those 10,000 links are from bad neighbourhoods anything is possible. But I doubt that's the case in your instance.

yes, but I did not enter this thread because you were the owner of it... and my stance has always been on Arkyt's evaluation of how powerful the DMOZ machine is... not based upon what you have said about it :rolleyes:


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I did not enter this thread because you were the owner of it...

Sorry you've lost me :confused:

my stance has always been on Arkyt's evaluation of how powerful the DMOZ machine is...

Reiterating, Google still uses Dmoz as a secondary suggestion to search criteria for Google searches.

I don't know of any other directory with that type of influence over Google, do you? To me that's pretty damn powerful. That sort of power in the hands of people looking after their buddies, to me, seems like a fair discussion about favouritism. Which is basically what the OP stated.

What is your feeling if any regarding dmoz editor fraud? Do you think its ok to game the dmoz system or is it unethical?

There are a handful of individuals gaming the system and no doubt getting pretty rich doing so! These guys think they are pretty smart - heck they've been getting away with it for years, but IMO its time to shut them down and level the playing field.

If we want to clean up the industry - this is one area that needs a good scrubbing!



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