Core Web Vitals


New Member
Hi Everyone,

We all know Core Web Vitals is becoming a ranking factor in May.

How is everyone doing with this - we cannot get our scores to green - our site just isn't capable.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member


That's a WordPress, 300 indexed pages, i've checked and worked on 90%
On desktop, i got 99-100, for mobile its 94-97 ... full green lights.
But honestly, I'm not sure if it will such a huge thing as expected.

Edit: As you see, those are just the lab results. I have finished the work about 2 weeks ago, still more than 200 "bad pages" in Search Console. No changes there.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Hi Everyone,

We all know Core Web Vitals is becoming a ranking factor in May.

How is everyone doing with this - we cannot get our scores to green - our site just isn't capable.
I actually thought it was already a ranking factor lol!

We have some pages that crush, others that fail, and then some pages that crush mobile and fail desktop, and vice versa.

This core web vitals is a strange beast that we will tame, one way or another.

If it requires a new website, so be it.


24 years & still going!
honestly, I'm not sure if it will such a huge thing as expected.

Edit: As you see, those are just the lab results. I have finished the work about 2 weeks ago, still more than 200 "bad pages" in Search Console. No changes there.

I tend to agree with you. So, Lets look at Google's past supposed influencers.

PR (page rank - the higher number the better) was a huge thing back in the day...
Though, when it came to the crunch, sites with a PR1 were, almost always, outranking sites/pages with a PR6.

G+... Aside from the social media aspect, it was also supposed to FIX content scraping, to stop nefarious sites, outranking the copyright holder's site content. Using the meta data code tags for "Author" and "Publisher" (verified by Google with the owner's site/s), sadly this also failed.

Heaps more fails, too long to list.

Point in question... How many sites are operated by non-tech folk?

If core vitals are going to make a "massive" impact on G search results, and your not tech/code savvy, then your screwed.

NB - There's only so many things a WP plugin can fix. The rest, you either need to know how to code, or you pay a coder.

Granted this is Google we're talking about. But even for them, I can't see, they'd be OK with pissing off millions of people. Not good PR :D

When site loading loading times became a factor, one of my sites was host here in AU. However, no matter what I did, just could not lower the server responses times, which, according to G, were taking approx 1.5sec too long. Turns out, G were running these test from the USA. The alog was NOT factoring in the number of hops required for the round trip from USA to AU.

Finally because of sheer frustration, I moved to a USA server. Same specs as my previous AU server. Surprise, surprise, my response times for G were now lightning fast, and not causing any speed issues.

In closing, there are just so many factors which can negative impact a site. This is why I don't see core vitals being a worry.
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New Member
I actually thought it was already a ranking factor lol!

We have some pages that crush, others that fail, and then some pages that crush mobile and fail desktop, and vice versa.

This core web vitals is a strange beast that we will tame, one way or another.

If it requires a new website, so be it.

Well yes speed is a ranking factor already but CWV is more focused on UX-related signals (speed being one amongst other things) in the bigger picture of user experience.

I am not a developer or coder and have had two developers work on the site and theres no more they can do without total rebuild. We will just have to see what happens!

Have a UK site is hard enough as it is. I am really intrigued to se what happens.


Former Member
we aced lighthouse on our casino sites just this week after a few days of dev.. - Going to relaunch a couple next week
#ready #excited #optimized

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
After problems with FID (Google removed that from their own PageSpeed Insights results and Google Webmaster Tools), there is no way to check if a website will pass all threee web vitals, because they are all completely different. Passing two does not mean automatically also passing FID.

When you are checking your website at PageSpeed Insights or with Lighthouse, you have to check it wiith full https://www., because otherwise you will get less good results.

If Google fulfils the plan to give websites, which passed web vitals, in the SERPS a visual benefit with a small sign oder something like that, then this can have an impact on the click ratio, hopefully more than the special character spammer and fake stars review artists are receiving.


"I actually thought it was already a ranking factor lol!"

Looking at it empirically, indeed it is.


User-Requested Account Closure
I have 99% like @eenzoo while testing, but in the Search Console i get some yellow pages, even some red ones. Goes green, yellow, red without me changing anything on the website. Any ideas?


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
I have 99% like @eenzoo while testing, but in the Search Console i get some yellow pages, even some red ones. Goes green, yellow, red without me changing anything on the website. Any ideas?
Variations in your hosting speeds?
Time of day of testing?

The reports flag certain things each time that are "bad". What is being flagged?


Former Member
disable your browser plugins fwiw, + run incognito mode before lighthouse etc.. - it can make quite a difference to your scores.


User-Requested Account Closure
Yes @Frank exactly. Must be the server, you are right guys. I get this LCP issue: longer than 4s both for mobile and desktop. But now Mobile is green and Desktop is ok.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
disable your browser plugins fwiw, + run incognito mode before lighthouse etc.. - it can make quite a difference to your scores.
Tested on a couple of our pages. No difference.


Former Member
your site is pretty solid in LH last time I checked prof. doubt you have much to worry about!


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
I sincerely hope that is true, but I want 100% compliance even if there is little tangible benefit to doing so.


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