CMS Backend Admin - What do you use?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
ok guys, I need some help. For one of my sites, I formerly used my own customized CMS where I could add casinos, software, bonuses, banners, etc. However, that site is now changed and the database is WAY different.

For the past few months I've been entering everything into the datatables directly, but it is a real pain. What do you use to Backend your data? Custom, CMS (like Joomla, Drupal with no front end?), or some other thing that I haven't found yet that makes it easy to do this?

I'm at a loss... I don't have the time I had back when I created the old CMS :( I need something that makes it easy for me to enter my data and easy to program.

I have lost a TON of money over the years due to shitty programmers and don't want to go through that again, so any help would be greatly appreciated!!



Super Moderator
Custom here; it's worked well for me for the last few years. I sent you an email with more details.

It would be interesting to hear what other people here use to run their sites. Do you use an off-the-shelf CMS, are you still "old school" with 100% HTML (oh, the horror), or do you use something else?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I still have a few 100% hand coded HTML sites and they still do the job for me - but updating them are is a real PITA.

Regarding CMS: I see no downside to using Wordpress, possibly in conjunction with something like AdPeeps for geo-targeted banners and text ads.

I maybe missing the point of what you are trying to achieve here, though.

If you are looking for a single, central source where you update banners, links, switch things in-and-out for a number of domains, then Wordpress can do this, but I don't have the time to lay out exactly the combination of plug-ins, etc you need to achieve this.

PM me if you would like, though, mate and I'll get that info over to you.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
I'll explain a bit better :)

I already have this site up: New Casino Bonuses - Casino Bonus Farm.

All of the data is already in a set of datatables. I don't want to change the 'Front End' (i.e., the website). I want to have a 'Back End' where I can create all the content for it:

  • Add Casinos
  • Add Bonuses
  • Link Casinos and Bonuses (and more)
  • Add Banners/Links

The front-end would just work because the datatables and functions are already set up to retrieve it to those pages. So - a backend way to update would be ideal.

I would love to do it with a CMS instead of rolling out my own custom because I could take advantage of their functionality (i.e., jquery functions, ease of entry, security model).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
If you already have the backend database set up that the website queries to get the data for the pages, then no CMS is going to plug straight in to that. You're going to have to write something custom that uses the database that you already have, or go with a system and port the data over to it.

I'm not sure "CMS" is exactly what you're even looking for, as you aren't really going to be using it to publish content to your site.

I've done something custom for editing a backend database using the cakephp framework in the past. It can auto-generate a website front-end to your database (they call it "scaffolding") that lists table contents, and provides all the links or buttons to add and edit rows etc. But there are certain rules you have to use (i.e. column naming conventions) when setting up the database that you probably didn't use when you created your DB. So it would probably mean a few DB changes and then you define the relationships between the tables in php (eg Casino has many Bonuses etc - there is a script which can assist with this). If you can come to grips with that, then it can auto-generate a user friendly DB-editing interface for you which I think is exactly what you are looking for.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
CMS probably isn't the right term since it is more the framework I am interested in. It is more of a glorified data entry utility to allow updating my database content easier.

Maybe I just do custom and be done with it :(


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I use joomla with a cck - super easy, quick and stable. ;D

One thing I want to work on in the future is having the ability to push changes out to multiple sites from one master site, so if a bonus changes I only have to edit it once. There are a couple of ways of doing it but I haven't yet figured out the best/most secure way.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
I use joomla with a cck - super easy, quick and stable. ;D

One thing I want to work on in the future is having the ability to push changes out to multiple sites from one master site, so if a bonus changes I only have to edit it once. There are a couple of ways of doing it but I haven't yet figured out the best/most secure way.

Can you explain cck?

As far as the most secure, I use XMLRPC to propagate changes from one of my CMS systems (custom system). I essentially have an XMLRPC api that allows me to make requests for information and retrieve that information. It's very secure because it is simply an api and there is no direct access or passing of passwords.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
cck = content construction kit

There are plenty to choose from, depending on what you want to achieve but at the end of the day they're all tools to manage data. If you're up for using joomla, there's a list of ccks here: Content Construction - Joomla! Extensions Directory

Some of them are more aimed at news sites etc.. but they can still be used for affiliate sites so long as you ignore their original purpose. ;D

I haven't used this one yet, but someone recently recommended seblod: jSeblod CCK - Joomla CCK - Content Construction Kit For Joomla

And I've used jreviews a couple of times, that's pretty good! Fantastic support from the developer too!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
ok, I've looked around enough. Probably could have had the minimum amount programmed by now ;)

So - I started rolling my own custom from a previous version of CMS I had. I'm about 20% done and spent only an hour so far, so this is the right move. I only wish I knew a bit more java so I could use some jQuery tools for a nice look and feel.

Thanks for the help and information everyone!


New Member
While I am sure you have thought of this already, but if you keep your websites on a mainstream CMS like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc then it will be much easier to sell the website down the road.


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