Cant get my head back into it


From Pandora.
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all,

Not done a thing for over a month now, no updates no videos not a thing and i cant see that changing anytime soon. For almost 16 months i loved it, did work almost daily, got excited while waiting for stats to load and learning something new but now its just blah.

Im still enjoying the extra income but that buzz has gone. :(

Every thing now just seems steady, steady paydays steady new players. Have i peaked? Do i need a longer break? Do i need a kick up my arse.

Do you guys get this?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I know I do at times.. Some days or weeks I really have to _force_ myself to get anything done. Once I start working, a few hours into it I feel really good about it and its hard to stop. But the next day I have the same trouble getting started.

I have taken a few breaks, usually after a week I am wanting to get back to work.. For me its a mind trick... If I say to myself 'Im taking two weeks off and not touching my website until then' Ill usually be back to work a few days later..

Maybe try changing your role in this... If your still making money from it, try reinvesting it and hiring someone to do the things you don't want to do. Take on a more managerial role it in... I don't write any of my own content anymore.. I have hired people to do that, I spend most of my days working on SEO related tasks and trying new ideas out.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 27, 2010
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I hope you get you mojo back soon! I have always thought that if you are good at something you shouldn't let it go. I do think that in time you will want to start up again.

I would recommend that if you start working again on your sites then I would set objectives and challenges and try to meet them by a certain time period, maybe this will put a little fun back in your work. If you reach your goals then you get to reward yourself with something... giving yourselves incentives usually helps out a little.

Best of luck to you and hope you keep working on your sites once you feel ready!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
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Unfortunately, the steady stats don't last forever, when you almost-stop working. They last for a while, but then they drop, and your income looks less rosy and by the time you think you should do some work to raise the income, that's when you realise it's going to take months to get the revenue back where it was. I've learned it's easier in the long-run not to stop working.

Have a big party, blow off lots of steam, then come back to it fresh. If that doesn't work, have another party (bigger this time, with fireworks) and then try again. Repeat until dead or inspired.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Hi Roey,

I think you need to find out what makes you stick to your business... what do you like the most and gives you motivation? try to challenge yourself and take it professionally to maintain some work flow. Maybe reducing the hours you spend on this now will help you think about new ideas but I think you should keep some base to not neglect your site.

Don't forget that right now the season wont show many results...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
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It's the same with everything really, no matter how much you enjoy something at first, that feeling will wear off. It's human nature.

Most jobs I had after getting my university degree were fun and interesting at first, but soon became dull and routine no matter what the job was. My last two job titles were Spacecraft Operator (controlling satellites) and Nuclear Electronics Technician (repairing, calibrating, and designing electronics for uranium mines). Sounds like exciting stuff, and it always was at first, but soon became "blah" as you put it.

I've been with my wife for over 10 years, things were definitely more fun and exciting in the first few years. ;)

There are some things that are working sticking with and some that aren't, only you can decide what's important.

My inspiration comes from never wanting to work for anyone else. I see you called it "extra income" so I assume you are still working a regular job? If you've been working hard at this for 16 months, keep it up man! It takes a bit of luck along with the hard work, but I quit my regular job about two years after I started my website. I've seen quite a few others say they were able to start doing this full-time around that two year mark as well.

If your goal is to quit your job and do this full time, definitely keep up the hard work. There's always the chance of hooking a whale as well, checking your stats becomes very exciting again when that happens.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I'm in the same boat. As I may have mentioned (a bit) we bought a new house late last year and have spent 6+ months decorating and renovating - and it's STILL not finished! Every day I get up and can think of at least a dozen jobs which need doing... EVERY day. I usually manage 4-6 a day, but there's always more the next day.
The fact we have 2 young kids with no relatives to help look after them and my wife works full-time adds to the strain.

So for the last several months I have only done the very bare minimum website work and I'm finding it hard to get re-inspired. I will though, I know I will - just as soon as we get the house totally straightened out and get our "normal" lives back. I can't wait for that day!



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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Totally normal mate - I think we all feel like that. And weirdly it's usually when things are going really well that the motivation dies, whereas when your stats crash that's when you start putting in the 18 hour days.

For me, the best thing I ever did was start outsourcing the things I found the most laborious - so I rarely write myself any more, but still do my own coding modifications.

If you really struggle to motivate yourself, try making a new site - even if it's just a small niche mini-site about something you really enjoy (doesn't have to be gambling or even a for-profit site). I find it easy to get the juices flowing when working on a fresh project and you can then use that momentum to push yourself out of your rut.

It's also helpful to set yourself goals - in this industry financial goals seem to be the most appropriate so set a series of x a month goals. You'll find that a near miss is pretty good at getting you back to the grind.

Do you go to any conferences? They're pretty good at getting you motivated. Or if there any other affiliates near where you live you try to regularly meet up to bitch, ask advice, share ideas and drink some beer.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I agree with pretty much everyone :) There are always times when you feel less than motivated, but stick with it. In this business it is VERY important to create content on a fairly continuous basis. Outsource if you have to, but keep it going and keep the faith.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
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The thing is: you've got to treat this like a job. If you have regular visitors who are coming back to see what's new, then they will soon go away if you don't update regularly. Some days, I agree, it's hard to get motivated. I've found that once you get started on writing something or editing something, you get back into the swing of it even if you weren't particularly inspired at the start.


From Pandora.
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks to you all.

Yes i do have a full time job and overtime doesn't inspire me to come home and do more work, neither does the heat. (we moan when its cold and i moan when im sat sweating not moving a muscle) pun

Ive found that my old site worked alot better even though it was quite simple, though coding took alot longer and even though my newer wordpress version is hammering visitors it just isnt getting as many signups, within the 1st month it virtually doubled in visitors as i seemed to rank page 1 for certain keywords but it doesn't seem to do the job i initially thought it would, even though it is actually a specific review site template?

Im not giving up on it (the bought wordpress theme) im just going to change the name and domain and add when i can. (seems the logical choice i think?) Get the older html site back up, get that up to date, give them afew months and see where i am, well thats the plan i have concocted.

Thanks for the replies, but for at least tonight this is all the webbing im going to do, now to sit, sweat, drink afew beers and wait till the weekend and also wait for my week off in 2 weeks which will hopefully be when that boot gets pulled out my arse and i do something productive webwise.

Thanks to you all


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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How about a combination of the 2? I prefer to have a website that is both HTML/php and Wordpress. I use WP to ping and get people 'in the door' and then the HTML/php content for the stickiness.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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What Does this mean, is WP better for serps?

Not WP per se, but I believe that pinging helps bring Google back.. and if you update/post content enough, Google will know your site is constantly kept up... and favor it. That is what I have seen from my sites, anyway. So - I believe it to be true. With that said, it used to work a LOT better than it does now :)


New Member
Apr 16, 2013
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Hi Roey - hope you manage to get your motivation back - I know you sent me a few messages of encouragement a while ago and I must say I think your new website is great. Best of luck mate :)