Buying Rival Websites

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Please let me know if you have a Rival website you would like to get rid of. I am going to go ahead and purchase some. You can either PM me or email me at:


Thank you.


Rival is being hit right now from the payment processing site and the affiliates at the same time. There is probably the possibility right now to get rid of this entire crap chain altogether by stopping to promote them for good. This is IMHO the best option since this company is run by people who somehow never managed to become a real gangster and are constantly trying to screw everyone via the casino route. There are no more than 1-3 rivals which could be considered a halfway sound casino and the rest of them just scares off US customers which is very damaging in the long run.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member

Just curious mate - why are you buying up rival sites?


Power and influence :) My plan is to take those sites and redirect the majority of the traffic over to another casino software until Rival gets their head out of their arse.


Power and influence :) My plan is to take those sites and redirect the majority of the traffic over to another casino software until Rival gets their head out of their arse.

Oh i see - i just finished reviews a while back for Rivals and applied them to our sites.. MEH!! NOw i have to take them down... Yikes!! More losses LOL

Where are you redirecting them? I guess i have work to do :eek:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Just an idea Steve but maybe CWC considering,

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Please be aware that CWC Affiliates recently have purchased Affiliate Edge and the related casino, All Star Slots. This is great news for both CWC and you as our affiliate partner, it gives you even more chances to earn as we progress and develop our offerings to you.[/FONT]



The best possible outcome would be damaging the rivals to that degree until the entire rival scheme is worth next to nothing and enable a honest operation to buy rival the software provider. This way the rules of the entire operation could be changed and the software stay alive which would be useful because it is liked by many people. The affiliates/players could be paid later on via deals like 32red/nedplay or something like that...

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
The best possible outcome would be damaging the rivals to that degree until the entire rival scheme is worth next to nothing and enable a honest operation to buy rival the software provider.
Who would buy a damaged brand? "worth next to nothing" - and who would this "honest operation" be? I'm curious to meet them! The reality is Rival is already doing a fine job of doing itself in. I hope they change the tune myself. There are obviously some serious issues, but just attacking them is not going to fix the problem. There needs to be some mode of construction to follow up with.

So is Rival beyond repair? I don't think so. Will we ever have the same relationship? probably not. But to destroy them could mean losing all your income and player-base. Not to mention what "could" happen to player's monies... etc...

TIP: promote those who said they'd behave nicely, and drop the rest. don't waste your energy fighting thieves. :)


Who would buy a damaged brand? "worth next to nothing" - and who would this "honest operation" be?

There is also the possibility that they change their ways and start to care about quality when they have nothing more to lose. It would be nice to see 5-10 rivals start to operate like slotoscash and the rest of the crap can go under. Therefore it's not a good idea to release the pressure until something like that is going to happen because keeping it running is way more damaging than the going under of this operation.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Seems that the talk has nothing to do with my original thread :( Please stop derailing now, people.



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