Affiliate Resolutions!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
It is definitely that time of year, so time for those resolutions that we NEED to keep and hopefully will. Here are mine:

For AGD:

  1. Bring new, innovative features to the forums which help enable affiliates to do their jobs easier and better.
  2. Get Certifications out more quickly and do a more streamlined job in the process to ensure that affiliates know what a program is about before starting promotion.
  3. Expand the terms alert service to get alerts out more quickly.

For my affiliate sites:

  1. UPDATE THEM!!!!!
  2. Launch several more
  3. Get some converted to other languages.

For my business (in general):

  1. Get a new system in place (Server, Firewall, VPN solution)
  2. Get more programmers to get out more projects :)

That's it for my new year!! Quite a lot to accomplish, IMO, but it can be done!


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
I will be stream-lining everything better so there will be more money for less hours of work.

And now I see I will have to keep Andy from working too much. :p


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
It is definitely that time of year, so time for those resolutions that we NEED to keep and hopefully will. Here are mine:

For AGD:

  1. Bring new, innovative features to the forums which help enable affiliates to do their jobs easier and better.
  2. Get Certifications out more quickly and do a more streamlined job in the process to ensure that affiliates know what a program is about before starting promotion.
  3. Expand the terms alert service to get alerts out more quickly.

For my affiliate sites:

  1. UPDATE THEM!!!!!
  2. Launch several more
  3. Get some converted to other languages.
  4. Add the Rewards Affiliates brands to my sites.

For my business (in general):

  1. Get a new system in place (Server, Firewall, VPN solution)
  2. Get more programmers to get out more projects :)

That's it for my new year!! Quite a lot to accomplish, IMO, but it can be done!

I added one more for you ;)

My only resolution for life is to finish my book I started last year..

I suppose I should try to be in the office less hours too, but we all know thats already broken...

Good luck for 2010 guys!


New Member
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Not to spread myself too thin and concentrate at being great at one or two markets then move on accordingly.

Reduce the number of hours I work a week but maximize my output with my allotted time.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
I think i have the most work to do to catch up to ANY of you so.....

My Affiliate Business

1. Start updating my forum daily, market the forum once again [i stopped a year ago and you can see the difference in visitors]
2. Center my programs to only the ones that actually work for me. Get rid of all others that have no turnover rate period.
3. think about adding contests again for the players to enjoy.
4. Start a new portal when time allows and be diligent with its updates and content

[Its funny that i do content writing for everyone else, but have none on my site! lollll]

My Writing Business

1. This is my main business now and love it...but i have not organized myself properly or managed my time right, so thats the plan this year. Stick to a schedule and get my jobs done at a much faster rate.

My Health...

1. Take better care of myself, stay away from cigs and start using the Elliptical trainer my son got me for christmas to build up my lungs and lose unwanted pounds....wish me luck! lollllllllllllll

My Family....

1. Just be as nice and loving as never know when you time is up [which i learned last year], so make sure your family, friends and other loved ones know you care.

2. Take care of all my friendly animals tame and wild....they are the best thing in life and i love them all dearly and wish to some day, maybe this year open a refuge for hurt, abandon and unwanted animals.

Thats it.....lollllllllllllllllll

Good Luck to me, and everyone else!!!