3Dice - are you doing OK with them?


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
The time has come, the Walrus said, to think of many things, like dumping 3Dice... :(

This saddens me greatly because I really like their casino and I spent many many hours doing special banners, pages & promo's for them, but it's just not working.
I've brought in 45 players, but only met the CPA terms for 6, which I was paid for in June LAST year. Since then I have earned absolutely zip... :(

I can't go one giving them so much exposure for nothing, so I have started removing them from my sites, bit by bit.

Anyway. just wondering, if anyone else doing OK with them & happy with the results?



Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
tons of sign-ups, no one qualifies except in the very beginning.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Enzo had a few of us fooled into thinking he cared or wanted affiliates a few yrs ago, Guarddog and myself were some of the so called testers, all we got was sending him a ton of players only to be ripped off in the end.

3Dice only plays fair with a few affiliates even then I bet they are not even making 25% of what they actually earned. Some do a CPA as well I have heard.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
I played there a few years back and it was the worst casino I've ever played. The game payouts were ridiculous, that software gobbles up money like it's going out of style. I remember asking the one man shop enzo about the payouts and he talked about their games being high variance or something, but I've got another name for it.

So it's no wonder players don't come back if they experienced anything close to what I did. I mean I went through a few thousand in the blink of an eye, and I think I was only betting $5 a spin lmao.

And really I don't know why anyone would develop high variance software like that anyways. If I am going to develop my own casino software it's going to give players good bang for their buck so they have a good time. They are gonna lose anyways, so why on earth would you want high variance games where the majority of your players will run for the hills after getting zero entertainment value from their deposits. I don't get it. But it definitely makes sense to me why an affiliate doesn't do well there.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for all the replies guys!

So it's not just me then - that's a relief in a way.
3Dice and Enzo seem totally up-front & honest and I really don't want to believe they are doing anything "dodgy"... but it sure feels that way. :(

Enzo had a few of us fooled into thinking he cared or wanted affiliates a few yrs ago, Guarddog and myself were some of the so called testers, all we got was sending him a ton of players only to be ripped off in the end.

3Dice only plays fair with a few affiliates even then I bet they are not even making 25% of what they actually earned. Some do a CPA as well I have heard.
They started of with the ROIA Biz affiliate system, which was Rev-Share.
But the share was only 15% (at least, for me it was).
I don't know what you mean about being "ripped-off", but I am still owed a small amount from 2009 on that system.

Then early in 2010 they switched to their own in-house affy system which is CPA ONLY.
I nearly dumped them then because CPA is useless for small affiliates IMHO.
But I gave then a go, and like you said, got some income near the start, then nothing for over a year now.

I really don't know what's going on... :confused:
If in doubt, dump 'em! ;)
