How are USA affiliates paid?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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By recently you mean when this thread started and nothing has changed in the many months to follow.

I don't have a need to talk on the phone for more of the same but thanks for the offer.

I am not the only one with the same issue here and most importantly, new USA affiliates should also be made aware that they may also have no way to collect their earnings.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I would like an answer in this thread. Sponsors are held to a higher standard than this. Otherwise we have to remove the sponsorship entirely. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but every sponsor knows this when they sign up as a sponsor at AGD. Please respond in a kind way to those in the thread asking for information.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I just want to say they are very good about paying US affiliates but you need to make sure you have an alternative method to get paid. The sad fact is we in the US are greatly held back by our gov and banks.
I just think if you have a call with Rutger he will make sure to find a solution. Joe I have an idea I am sending you a pm my friend..

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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We are sorting this out. Looking over the whole thread, GoWild has given answers for sure. I think I was a bit hasty. Regardless, we are working to help get payment to Joe.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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ok, well, then you have likely already talked to them - correct? I know GoWild has talked to their US affiliates already.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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No I actually reactivated this post only because I noticed the carryover $$ was not in the new back end.
The email I received yesterday was saying that the legacy stats weren't being carried forward which I already knew and had taken a screen shot of the old stats at the time.

As far as any recent developments regarding payment options for US affiliates I'm not aware of any.

Tbh, I can only spend x amount of time on an issue and have to move on to completing other tasks. It doesn't mean the issue is forgotten its just put on the back burner, then when I have a some free time like yesterday I revisit it and see if any progress has been made.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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ok. I'm sure they will contact you after this post.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I am sure Rutger will contact you again to find a solution they do have a min threshold as well btw.. Have you considered trying to make it easier for them to pay you with getting some sort of bank account in a non US place ? Most US affiliates do have this set up just for being paid. I have worked with Go Wild for years they are one of the few respectable Micro brands left out there I know they will take care of you and your concerns! Also remember they are not on the same time zone so I am sure they are sleeping right now..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I am sure Rutger will contact you again to find a solution they do have a min threshold as well btw.. Have you considered trying to make it easier for them to pay you with getting some sort of bank account in a non US place ? Most US affiliates do have this set up just for being paid. I have worked with Go Wild for years they are one of the few respectable Micro brands left out there I know they will take care of you and your concerns! Also remember they are not on the same time zone so I am sure they are sleeping right now..

Thanks, this is really the first payment I've had in a long time. Before that I was having payments wired to my PS corporate account but was told that could no longer be an option.

Every time I look in to it it say I need to be a resident.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Thanks Andy and Christine for your help!

Although this matter is unresolved I want to say a few things. Mostly it is about new affiliates being unaware that they have to have a non usa bank account to get paid. That may have been true around 6 to 8 years ago but it isn't these days,

If USA affiliates have to get an offshore bank account they are working with the wrong program, plain and simple. You may have to have a business account and not a personal account but most banks will take wires, check and paypal if you have a business account. This program needs to catch up with the time and not make excuses.

It's a matter of letting new affiliates know so they can make the choice and Go Wild is hiding that both here and on their site.

It is not my intention to hurt Wild or AGD more so be upfront about it so new affiliates will make an informed choice.

In the end it does more harm than good for all involved.

Have a good week All !


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Can you imagine a UK affiliate being told that he can only be paid if he has a USA Bank account? lol

Thats the lighter side, sorry to derail

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I have talked to Go Wild. They are not some 'run of the mill' program that allows all affiliates to sign up willy-nilly with no checking. If a new US affiliate signs up, they ensure that they have a proper payment credential BEFORE approving them. Go Wild is not 'hiding' anything and are, honestly, one of the best programs out there. (and everyone knows I wouldn't say that if it weren't absolutely true).

I understand it has been difficult for a [very few] US affiliates to get paid. It is NOT Go Wild's intention not to pay affiliates - they have given a solution even though it isn't a simple one. It is what they have to offer. They have communicated this to their affiliates fairly, IMO. It may not be the solution everyone was hoping for, but it is the only solution they have.

If anyone else needs payment and we can facilitate through our own means, let us know and we will try to help.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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That's simply not true. They did not ensure anything with me, Ronda G or anyone else most likely. If there is a route for US players to be paid (then why is this thread so active?) - by the way, this is the main reason we don't push GoWild as well. (In fact I think you had to help Ronda yourself once or twice to get paid, right?)

As for establishing banking in other countries. Its not easy at all, they require all your documentation, physical presence and address in other country. Most require some filing with that countries version of Secretary of State, etc (and if someone knows an easy way for me to do it without all this hassle, please let me know)... and for a typical affiliate its quite costly and out of the question. Not to mention you're gonna end up paying fees for having these bank accounts, minimum balance, monthly maintenance, etc.. your CPA will have more work to do and so on...

I'm with PDJoe on this one. Everyone else can pay us, GoWild should be figuring something out, too.. not laying it on the back of the people who bring them traffic and players. If you can't pay US affiliates, then you shouldn't be able to select US from the signup form.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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The thread is active with 2 affiliates out of all of their affiliates, WCD. Pretty small sample size.

You have to remember that payment processing changed with US payment processing becoming scarce except for means that many legitimate companies would never use. Initially, Rhonda could be paid, so the due diligence on THAT payment method was done. However, when that payment method was no longer available - I helped Rhonda, yes. I do not see anything wrong with that, though.

You are correct on the banking - it isn't easy. It can be done, but it is not simple. It is a solution legitimate companies feel good about, though, instead of using some shady intermediary.

I'm with GoWild on this one. If a US affiliate signs up and they do not have a possibility of payment - they are not allowing them to be active. Affiliates that have issues (of which there are very few) are affiliates for a long time at GoWild that [at one time] had a proper payment method.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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CIBC a painless account while opening and 100% reportable to the IRS- No fees to maintain either.. Just Saying get on across the border and make your life easier to earn a living.
IF your making a lot of $ as an affiliate you would do what it takes to run your business.

I have a business account and a vendor license in Jersey YET I have an issue getting wires from companies in
GO FIGURE that out?

I have made a suggestion that Go Wild have a clause inserted into their terms about US affiliates and payments.

Go Wild Affiliates

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Predatory
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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