Affiliate Club - Rogue


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Glad to report some good news:

AffiliateClub reversed the terms yesterday.

If you look at the T&Cs, the quota has gone: - Help - Terms & Conditions


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 26, 2009
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I have rogued Affiliate Club also.

Affiliate Club Blacklisted

I will provide a link to any site which has also rogued Affiliate Club. I have already linked back to this thread.

If anyone wants a link from my Affiliate Club Rogue page on Online Casino Reviewer and a boost in google to boot, please let me know where your page is and I'll add it to the list.

I created a page for this and others... Online Gambling Blog and Casino Directory - so link me up. With some PR juice it might hit google.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I created a page for this and others... Online Gambling Blog and Casino Directory - so link me up. With some PR juice it might hit google.

Affiliate Club, though, have done the honorable thing and removed all predatory terms and conditions. They listened to us and saw that the terms were not good. I believe they no longer deserve to be on the rogue list (my opinion).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I still reject offers from Affiliate Club to join them because if you want to have credibility in this industry programs with bad ideas never deserve a second chance :mad:


New Member
Jun 4, 2009
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I still reject offers from Affiliate Club to join them because if you want to have credibility in this industry programs with bad ideas never deserve a second chance :mad:

I think that is a bit rough.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I have blacklisted Casino Club, Slots Club, Affiliate Club, and the mother ship, Gaming VC.

I am using the Casino Club Rogue page to link out to similar pages. Please feel free to link back and post the URL of your rogue page so I can link to it.

As affiliates, we can't allow ourselves to be blackmailed like this. We CAN and SHOULD burn these businesses to the ground.

Dave, a quote from your page here... Casino Club is Rogue

"Casino Club is no longer blacklisted. This issue was resolved in April 2009 when the company reverted to the original set of terms and conditions. The original article still appears below, but please note that the issue is now completely resolved."

Maybe the affiliate program resolved an issue or two with their T's & C's but the Casino Club Casino that they represent has most certainly not resolved the long, outstanding RealPlayer issue!

For your reading enjoyment Casino Club/Gaming VC...

1. Google Search - Gaming VC rogue

2. Casino Club Avoids Paying Player €167,500!

3. Casino Club Rogue Award

4. Rogue Blacklisted Casinos List / GVC Holdings

Until this outstanding player issue is set straight and 'RealPlayer' is paid up in full, then the whole damn lot of them will stay on The Gurus Rogue List!
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
That's an ongoing issue that I've been checking in on once in a while. Bryan actually removed Casino Club from the rogue pit today:

That was a bad move on Bryan's part in my opinion, especially considering that Casino Club has provided him absolutely no evidence whatsoever as to whether the player was a fraud suspect and Casino Club has also not mentioned whether or not they are actually using the "loophole" clause in the law to avoid paying this player.

The ball is in Casino Clubs court to prove with factual evidence, which to this hour they have failed to do.

Do you not realize what kind of precedence this could have and or set for the online gaming market and the so-called gaming regulators (LGA), if this case is allowed to stand as is?

For now, I plan to leave Casino Club on my sites....

That's your prerogative for sure, hope that decision does not bite you later...

Just ashamed though that affiliates will not take the same stance regarding player payouts as they do when affiliates T's & C's are not quite right.. :(
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Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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That's your prerogative for sure, hope that decision does not bite you later...
I hope so, too! Returning the favor, I'll say that I hope your promotion of Top Game, multiple questionable Rival casinos, and the Vegas Partner Lounge group doesn't come back to bite you.... ;)

VPL has been ripping affiliates off for years; I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Why people continue to work with this group is beyond me. I would also be extremely leery of Vegas Affiliates (found them on your Microgaming page).

Just ashamed though that affiliates will not take the same stance regarding player payouts as they do when affiliates T's & C's are not quite right..
I do care a lot about how players are treated. That's why I don't promote Top Game and Rival anymore (except for Sloto'Cash). The Casino Club issue is complex and ongoing, and I'd like to see how it plays out before I pull their links and possibly blacklist them (again). :rolleyes:


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I hope so, too! Returning the favor, I'll say that I hope your promotion of Top Game, multiple questionable Rival casinos, and the Vegas Partner Lounge group doesn't come back to bite you.... ;)

Sure, lets discuss it rationally, I promote one (1) Top Game Casino on TheGamblingGurus, 7Spins...with all that has been going on the last couple of yrs with Top Game, one casino is manageable.

As far as Rival or any other software brand goes for that matter, I think everyone can clearly see that I am on top of any and all issues presented, never dodge a question or give anyone the run-around as far as a clear thought or answer...I think you can even agree on that one.

And you can bet the farm that if any new player issue arises that I will be one of the first ones to bring it to the public spotlight as well, just as I did today regarding the Rival 21 Grand Casino issue.

VPL has been ripping affiliates off for years; I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Why people continue to work with this group is beyond me. I would also be extremely leery of Vegas Affiliates (found them on your Microgaming page).

Yep, I promote both of these groups because I also continue to play at most of them on a weekly basis and have played at most of them for the past decade. If there are outstanding player issues that I'm not aware of then please present them to me...

As far as ripping off affiliates, that is not good to hear at all. It has also not been my experience with these two groups either. Are there any current issues regarding this that have not been settled?

Affiliates are also not my main concern either, rather the players...are there any current players that are being ripped off by either of these groups?

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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe a new thread would be better suited to discuss any of those other issues in, and keep this one on track concerning 'Casino Clubs Rogue Ways'.. ;)


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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Agreed -- I started a new thread about Star Partner here: https:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/star-partner-warning-t3231.html

As for "player" issues with VPL and VA -- no, I don't know of any. But VA remains on my "do not promote" list after an employee threatened me last year and decreased my rev-share rate simply because I spoke out about their retroactive T&C changes.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
That was a bad move on Bryan's part in my opinion, especially considering that Casino Club has provided him absolutely no evidence whatsoever as to whether the player was a fraud suspect and Casino Club has also not mentioned whether or not they are actually using the "loophole" clause in the law to avoid paying this player.

Just an FYI really but the Rogue Pit at CM works on the "innocent until proved guilty" theory. Additionally, it reflects the danger posed to players first and foremost. Once the current issues are fully resolved a decision on placement will be made then. A large part of this is because rarely do we see the full picture in the open.

Entain Partners (formerly Affiliate Club)

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Predatory
  2. Untagged Cross-Promotion
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  6. Missing Admin Fee:
  7. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  8. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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