Wolfpack Partners Refused to Pay Out Traffic! - RESOLVED


New Member
May 1, 2024
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We have been partners with Wolfpack Affiliates for a year and a half now. And before that we had no problems with them. We've been working together smoothly.

The problems started at the beginning of 2024, when Wolfpack Affiliates set a goal for our team to bring 10K visits to the product every month.

Such volumes proved impossible for us, which was evident in the tests, and we repeatedly warned our partners about it.

From that moment on, they started to delay payments, demanding from us volumes that we could not bring.

Moreover, their product had a poor conversion rate, and we understand that they were trying to compensate for their problems by the amount of traffic we brought. But it didn't pay off for us.

In April this year Wolfpack had to pay us for the campaign we ran in March. The sum of the payment was 2,000 euros.

Since they didn't like the fact that we couldn't bring them 10k visits every month, they refused to pay the previous month's commission and simply zeroed out our balance.

On top of that, as a manager I had to listen to a lot of threatening messages that if we start a thread on Affiliate Guard Dog, we will lose all clients, as WolfPack Partners has connections and many friends in this niche. They called us scammers and simply refused to pay us money for our work.


New Member
May 1, 2024
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They claimed that they get along well with your site managers and that our complaint would do no good. But we rely on you as valid defenders of the rights of cooperation with affiliates.

And we really need your help to get justice!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 18, 2018
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@Ann_Walker If you would like us to ask for updates on your behalf, please PM me your affiliate account username (I sent you a PM where you can reply).


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Wolfpack Affiliates set a goal for our team to bring 10K visits to the product every month.


In April this year Wolfpack had to pay us for the campaign we ran in March. The sum of the payment was 2,000 euros.

Since they didn't like the fact that we couldn't bring them 10k visits every month, they refused to pay the previous month's commission and simply zeroed out our balance.

I'm having a hard time believing your story, much less your username.
Ann Walker, Very English name but is she???!!!

Ann Walker was an Englishwoman, married in Britain's first known lesbian wedding, to diarist and fellow Yorkshire landowner Anne Lister.
WOW the OP even uses the same underscoring...lol


Sounds like a CPA which has gone pear shaped. And this usually happens when the traffic sent is dodgy, or... the affiliate makes some ridiculous CPA deal, which they can not meet.

Either way...I've been in this industry 24 years, and your claim, that this affiliate program, set you a target of 10,000 NDP in a single month, is ludicrous. What makes this entire story so unbelievable is, the €2,000.

That's chump-change.

It's certainly peanuts for the volume of players which your eluding to, that you can deliver.
  • 10% of 10,000 NDP's = 1,000 NDP's | 5% of 10,000 NDP's = 500 NDP's
  • 1% of 10,000 NDP's = 100 NDP's | 0.5% of 10,000 NDP's = 50 NDP's
Which, going on the €2,000 paid to you in March 2024, would be far less that a CPA deal of 50 NDP's.

Reiterating, your 1'st post attempted to make your affiliate operation LARGE by saying "team", and partners.

However, the €2,000 March payment, certainly makes that claim, questionable, because frankly, if you are a team, 100 NDP's would easily be reachable.

If I'm wrong on this my bad... but I don't think so. IMHO, the OP's story is suspect.

As far as the LCB/AGD story, they wont help you BS... It's exactly that BS, made up crap.

The more likely story... The OP says to their AM at WolfPack... if you don't pay us we will trash your name on AGD, Social Media and other affiliate forums. It's not the 1'st time this shit had been pulled with programs.

I'd be taking the OP's story with a grain of salt, and not wasting time on it.
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New Member
Feb 22, 2022
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In case you ran a campaign with a target of 10k visits per month but couldn't deliver it, can you assume you'd still be paid for the whole sum?

Of course it is worrying to hear about threats and wiping out your commission no matter the case. I also understand that the conversion can vary significantly but I reckon in this case you were paid based on visits, not FTDs?

Have you considered about requesting them to pay for the visits they actually received? For example if you agreed on 10k visits for 2,000 EUR, that would mean 5k visits is 1,000 EUR etc.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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if you agreed on 10k visits for 2,000 EUR, that would mean 5k visits is 1,000 EUR etc.

Why would anyone in their right mind agree to send 10K players for 2,000 EUR.

Besides, if, and it's a BIG if...

What program would agree to pay 2,000 EUR for 10K in visits, when there's so many bot-scams around.

Sounds all too fanciful to me... But you like anyone else, is entitled to your own opinion/views :)


New Member
Jun 14, 2022
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We have been partners with Wolfpack Affiliates for a year and a half now. And before that we had no problems with them. We've been working together smoothly.

The problems started at the beginning of 2024, when Wolfpack Affiliates set a goal for our team to bring 10K visits to the product every month.

Such volumes proved impossible for us, which was evident in the tests, and we repeatedly warned our partners about it.

From that moment on, they started to delay payments, demanding from us volumes that we could not bring.

Moreover, their product had a poor conversion rate, and we understand that they were trying to compensate for their problems by the amount of traffic we brought. But it didn't pay off for us.

In April this year Wolfpack had to pay us for the campaign we ran in March. The sum of the payment was 2,000 euros.

Since they didn't like the fact that we couldn't bring them 10k visits every month, they refused to pay the previous month's commission and simply zeroed out our balance.

On top of that, as a manager I had to listen to a lot of threatening messages that if we start a thread on Affiliate Guard Dog, we will lose all clients, as WolfPack Partners has connections and many friends in this niche. They called us scammers and simply refused to pay us money for our work.
Hey Ann, thanks a lot for your message. We are really sorry that everything ended up like this, but as always we gave our best to come to a solution that would benefit both sides as we really value our Partners.

As mentioned in your message, we had cooperation for over a year and a half and everything was going smoothly until the end of the last year. All commissions and bonuses in your account were paid and paid on time.

At the end of the last year, you informed us that your company is divided and that you will continue to work with us anyway. From that point onwards traffic was provided only from the new company and not from yours (we were getting only late conversions). As we had an active deal, we were asking every month, what was going on as we saw that traffic practically totally stopped. We came to the conclusion that you probably lost traffic as we saw that in the past you were providing more than 10000 visits in a month (in one month it was more than 15000) and in the months from splinting you were sending only a few hundred. We were never pushing our partners to bring us the exact number of visits, registrations or FTDs, but we are only asking to have fair cooperation and if the partner showed us that he can bring traffic, we expect from him to continue doing that if he has the traffic and wants to work with us. You were never replying to our messages throughout the month, but you were always sending the messages at the end of it asking for the payment (which we were paying for a few months in this situation) and telling us that traffic will increase.

This month we decided to hold the payment and to totally check everything as in the last month. When we came up with the feedback that this situation has been like this for more than 3 months now, you told us that you will bring 10000 visits (you mentioned this, not us) and we just need to keep the big deals and pay for the last month. We did what you asked for and got in return under 1000 visits, the situation was the same as in the previous months. Again, you were not responding to any messages throughout the month and only asked about the payment at the end of the last month. In the end, you told us that you lost traffic and that you couldn't provide any numbers near the numbers that we were getting before. Also, you asked that we pay this commission for the last time and close cooperation after this and if we do not do that you will raise a thread on AffiliateGuardDog.

We are very disappointed that everything ended like this, but we gave our maximum to do everything that was our part of the agreement. All proves to everything that was said in this reply will be sent to the AffiliateGuardDog team.