Rewards Affiliates not paying and untagging High Rollers!

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Sep 18, 2018
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After talking with Rewards Affiliates we find the following:

Casinoqueen's Highroller was convincingly proven to be playing under her same roof and so was removed from her account. Much of her account activity is suspicious.

For those members not aware of the New Zealand Tax imposed:
Reward brands pay GST in New Zealand in order to have NZD at the casinos. The GST is paid on gross loss, not on wagering, which is why it is deducted in that way. All affiliates with NZ players are paying it.
Affiliates do have the opportunity to switch to the Rev share model so the tax is in line with earnings.


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
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Casinoqueen's Highroller was convincingly proven to be playing under her same roof and so was removed from her account. Much of her account activity is suspicious.

so the "affiliate" commits fraud THEMSELVES from their own house, in order to make more revenues, then shit-rakes the brand on a public forum after crying foul? I would close that affils account down in a heartbeat if this was me. =)

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"After talking with Rewards Affiliates we find the following"

"we" !


"convincingly proven"

Even if true, but the words "convincingly proven" in connection with the serial-liars from Rewards Affiliates are really a strange slogan.

To the tax issue I will say, that hopefully Rewards Affiliates is sendung full and regular tax invoices to their affiliates. If not, any prosecutor would confirm, this can be enough for an initial suspicion of tax evasion by the program.

Rewards Affiliates is obviously too cowardly to speak for themselvers on this forum but found now a way with a quasi waved through press release, it's unfortunately a missing-things-press-release. I will explain that.

Suprisingly they couldn't "find" for the press release anything about other important things, like about the poven gigantic cross promotion scam, the repeating screwing of Jackpot Winners, the very interesting offshore contstruct, the complete unprofessional behaviour in the public as a part of the money industry, the chasing of innocent people and other things,

Not a single word.

And this is the one-sidedness-problem, the reason, why it would have been better for AGD to say to Miss Rewards: "Listen, write for yourself. We as staff must be balanced when it comes to scam-programs like yours. Either we say nothing or we say the whole truth. Otherwise we are the next GPWA. We can not help a program like yours which has more skeletons in their cupboard than other, and for sure not helping with writing a press release like statement and only writing to your benefit and absolutely nothing cricital about your scandals, everyone has knowledge about in the meantime. We could look bad. We can not do that!"

What a pity.

The people at Rewards Affiliates still don't understand the Streisand Effect.

Everyone can have her/his own opinion. I accept that, have now wrote my opinon on that and to express my opinion also to my mirror image, I will now peaceful protest and so be absent from this forum for at least 14 days. The Sweden Embassy has opened.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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For those members not aware of the New Zealand Tax imposed:
Reward brands pay GST in New Zealand in order to have NZD at the casinos. The GST is paid on gross loss, not on wagering, which is why it is deducted in that way. All affiliates with NZ players are paying it.
Affiliates do have the opportunity to switch to the Rev share model so the tax is in line with earnings.

According to the bloke I spoke with at New Zealand Inland Revenue, myself...and every other affiliates paying contributions to this supposed NZ GST, MUST be provided (given) a monthly GST TAX INVOICE.

They (RA/CR) have been garnishing this GST from me since Sept 2020. I have still not received a SINGLE, GST TAX INVOICE, from RA :eek:

That on top of any Actual bona fide PROOF that RA/CR is paying the aforementioned tax, has still not been supplied.

The only proof provided (which is NOT proof at all) to me was, this URL:

It's a Deloitte 2016 article.

Last time I checked, Deloitte is NOT the New Zealand Inland Revenue (AKA NZ Gov., Tax Dept.)

And, as far tax being charged in line with my earnings, 35% is not what I am paid. I earn 1.3% (MAX). Which ethically means, I pay no greater than (>) 0.195% of the 15% NZ GST.

Being charged anymore is a blatant scam and theft of my rightful earnings!
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Told RA/CR et al, last time (unethical cross marketing SCAM) do not thieve from me again... Seems some or a lot of someones need to clean their ears out. Or get glasses.

In so far as the "switch to the Rev share model"... I was offered that, BUT with the type of player portfolio I have at RA, is not suited to this model. Seems the absurdly extreme charges I'm being fleeced, for, is nothing more than, a premeditated-ploy, to force me to accept the change over to RS.

The inland revenue guy wanted names etc... I chose to remain anonymous (for now)...

FYI... garnished bogus tax charges is, a criminal offense...
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@MissExposé - if you were an actual affiliate, not an employee, on a wage, you too would be just as annoyed that your earnings were being stolen.

Instead, you post this rot and expect this to justify, excuse RA/CR for stealing from me and others.

Reiterating, as I said last time... DO NOT STEAL FROM ME AGAIN.

I earn MAX 1.3%... Tax charged should be not more than 1.3% of the total 15% GST.

RA/CR have 24 hours to repay what they have stolen from me, AGAIN. OR HELL will be let loose!


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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the serial-liars from Rewards Affiliates

CR/RA is owned by Jimmy (J. D. T)...

He ripped Dom Birch off for $100K (Players Palace Casino), and I have reason to believe, he also scammed Max Wright out of $150K. Max owned Casino Share, which, player palace was a white label.

FYI Max now owns White Hat Gaming.

I've known both Max and Dom for years, neither has reason to lie!

Casino Rewards purchase Casino Share Group...And, more affiliate were scammed, by their crooked cross marketing of tagged affiliates. Lets be 100% clear on this... If affiliates did not send the players to CR casinos, CR/RA would not have these players.

Stealing players and or the rightful commission of affiliates is a LOW MAGGOT ACT.

Anyone who supports, defends or otherwise sticks up for these crooks, is a crook themselves, and will also been on my HIT LIST. If it's not 100% clear, now, I'm not fucking around anymore.

Steal from me (or support those stealing from me) YOU WILL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES...

Add all those lies and scams into the mix, which RA/CR have done over the years, and it shows how 100% unethical they are, and to the extent they will go, to steal from B2B associates, and players alike.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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When they absorbed many of the Micro brands years ago we stopped making money, some of the brands they ate up we normally would make 10k or more from a month, once they took over we literally made only $. They got our players and reaped the benefits.

Other affiliates reported that RA/CR literally stolen 40K a month from them.

Must be nice living in a 20Mil dollar home, which most probably was paid for by scammed affiliates. Truth be known, all those casinos acquired, those too are probably paid for by monies scammed from RA affiliates, too.

Cross marketing to already tagged players, with the sole intention to hoodwink these affiliate referred players to another CR casino, so RA does not have to pay these affiliate commission, is exactly what it is... White Collar Crime. It's theft of players which, RA/CR does not own.

A CPA is the only way in which a casino owns the player outright.

Add all those lies and scams into the mix, which RA/CR have done over the years, and it shows how 100% unethical they are, and to the extent they will go, to steal from B2B associates, and players alike.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Being an employee of a company, business etc, does not mean, your not able to be prosecuted.

In New South Wales, the effect of section 316(1) of the Crimes Act 1900 is that a person who fails to report conduct which amounts to a serious indictable offence is liable to imprisonment for two years.

The elements of the section are:

  • a person (including a company) has committed a serious indictable offence;
  • another person (including a company) knows or believes that the offence has been committed
  • that other person has information which might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension of the offender or the prosecution or conviction of the offender; and
  • that other person fails, without reasonable excuse, to bring that information to the attention of a member of the Police Force or other appropriate authority.

A "serious indictable offence" is defined as an indictable offence which is punishable by imprisonment for life or for a term of five years or more, but section 316(1) does not require that you know the relevant conduct amounts to a serious indictable offence, only that it is an offence.

In NSW, a serious indictable offence can include:

  • larceny by clerks or servants;
  • embezzlement by clerks or servants;
  • fraudulently appropriating property by a director, officer or member of any body corporate or public company;
  • cheating or defrauding by a director, officer or member of any body corporate or public company;
  • fraudulent misappropriation of monies collected or received; and
  • obtaining money by deception.

Reiterating - the clock is ticking... less than 24 hour to return all monies stolen from me...


Staff member
Dec 16, 2011
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this topic has ran its course, becoming a bash fest. And what they say about dont shoot the messenger again? sigh

Who ever is not satisfied with the response given by RA, I suggest you to take it up to them.

This topic is now locked.


Ad hominem attacks wont be tolerated.
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