pokerjocks DOT com lazy content stealing jerk


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Being the nice person that I am I decided to edit out the offenders details since Go Daddy had him shut down :)

pokerjocks DOT com if your working with this lazy content stealing jerk I hope you shut down his site ASAP since he is stealing our content!!!
The comparison below was created by Copyscape, which searched for copies of this page:

Online Gambling Portal - Casino Bonus Streak

The page below has 280 words matching 15% of the page, as highlighted below:

Stupid enough to not have your details hidden, shady enough to steal damn right I will call your ass out in public on a forum!! 15% is not accurate he took our entire introduction and copied it word for word!! More like 98% of content theft there!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 5, 2011
Reaction score
It makes me sick when other people think they can just steal content. Hopefully with the new Panda updates, Google finds a way to detect and ban these thieves from the results.

What can someone do if they catch someone stealing most of their content? Can you get the offending site banned? Would love to know for future reference in case this ever happens to me.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
What can someone do if they catch someone stealing most of their content? Can you get the offending site banned? Would love to know for future reference in case this ever happens to me.

It used to be a simple case of contacting a hosting provider pointing out the scrapped content and 9 times outa 10 the host would close the site. But not these days. Lately its becoming a PITA most times.

Most times a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) notice will work on US hosts. However other countries can be painful and insist unless a court order is produced the host wont take any action.

There are services which claim they can have sites pulled with 24 hours with a DMCA. But at $90 bucks for each action it can mount up, espeically if you get no results. Besides what's preventing the content thief just setting up shop on another host and doing it all again.

I'm holding hope with Panda. I've seen sites who have been using my content take a drastic nose dive in the serps lately. Whilst it's my content their using, if they not ranking then their not stealing money out of my pocket.

Edit: Should add, if your using WP make sure your blog feeds are only displaying a Summary not Full text.
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