Payments and calculating the commission

Club Gold Casino Partners


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Guard Dog
I want to answer on last post created by clubgold manager.

I should say "nice try" , but it will not be based on facts.I was ready for this type of response, and I must say that he didnt check statistics or it was next attempt of "clever answer".

I have no other choice, and I have to once again use screenshots:

screenshot 1 - my club gold december stats (im not promoting them, but players still can register via f.e. old newsletters banners)

Deposits $850 , $75 revenue (not november lucky winner activity)


November lucky winner ( player H5XX3XX98XX) - full activity and statistics for November)


November lucky winner ( player H5XX3XX98XX) - full activity and statistics for December)


My version:
-thinking logically and not offending anyone intelligent , player H5XX3XX98XX , won $5000 from zero (screen nr 2 ), same day (30th november) he requested withdrawal , as would make every person on this planet.
Playtech casinos has 4 days to check every withdrawal request, and after 4 days (3rd Dec) player H5XX3XX98XX received answer from support about terms and $50 maximum available cashout.
I can suppose, that he wasnt too happy and probably he decided to try again (this time he could to win unlimited money). Finally he lost $50 (screen nr 3)


Player lost his money, i lost six months of promoting clubgold casino plus+i lost my commission.Clubgold has new players, still has my money and until the end of the world they can post that player H5XX3XX98XX lost $50 and next decided to not play and to not cashout his $5110.

My next idea is to find this player via newsletter (special money prize for biggest loser , something like that) , but it will be in January.
To be continue :)


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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I can't quite make out the screenshots, the resolution at the max upload for the forums is too small I think.

Carmel - What this looks like to me is that you are deducting amounts that the player never truly has. Example: If a player wins $5000 on a ND, but can only cashout $50 max... The affiliate should not have a negative $4950 in his/her account. That makes no sense. The player could just leave and the affiliate has now essentially PAID CG for promoting them (by losing $4950 in commission that is rightfully the affiliate's earnings).

Make sense?

For a ND, the most negative an account should EVER be is -$50.

Can you please take a look at this account and send me all the data to look at, if Micky 417 sgrees? I will be on vacation until Wednesday for Christmas.

Thank you Carmel for responding, it is much appreciated :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
edited , im sorry but my post was almost duplicate of Guard Dog post. if its possible, please delete this post

Thank you
Last edited:


Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hi GD, I will ask Konstantinos to get in touch with you with all the details as he is Mickey417's AM and has all the details of this particular case. He is on holiday till Tuesday also, so will contact you then, as long as Mickey has no objection.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
I can't quite make out the screenshots, the resolution at the max upload for the forums is too small I think.

Screenshot1 - all players December statistics

All Deposits in December $850 , $75 revenue (not november lucky winner "expected activity")

Screenshot2 - November statistics of player H5XX3XX98XX

Depoits - 0 , Net gaming - -$5160 (player was active only 30th nov)

Screenshot3 - December statistics of player H5XX3XX98XX

Deposits - 0 , Net gaming - $50 (player was active only 3rd dec)

Thank you , i hope it wil be helpful


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hi GD, I will ask Konstantinos to get in touch with you with all the details as he is Mickey417's AM and has all the details of this particular case. He is on holiday till Tuesday also, so will contact you then, as long as Mickey has no objection.

It is not a problem of course.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
15th is , as i heard, payment day in clubgold affiliates.( i heard because fastest payment from clubgold which i received until today , was payment with 90 days delay and ... it wasnt 15th)

I have many updates and news, but it will be much better, clearer and fair , to post everything after 15th.

Until now, i didn`t receive any information about my commission for october ,november and december. They sent me email that "they will pay me 15th january" but they didnt explained if 2012 or 2013 ,also they didnt explained , why they deducted about 50% from october commission as a fees cost (what fees?) . They didn`t send me also any info , what commission i will receive, how much i did earn in december , and how many "fees" they want to deduct this time?

They always sending to me some emails after AGD and GPWA posts , so maybe today i will know something new.


New Member
Dec 17, 2011
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The affiliate's account has been reviewed and his November commission has been adjusted accordingly. On Friday 13th January the payment of €802, being commission for November and December was sent to the affiliate, as promised, subject to his bank's clearance. We consider the case closed


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Hi GD, apologies for the late reply, I'm currently on holidays out of the country.

When a player wins a large amount from a NDB, we have seen that due to the $50 withdrawal limit, most players will keep playing with these funds until they either reach a balance of $50 which they then withdraw or lose all the funds. So the negative NR is automatically cancelled out as the player plays. In this case, the player won on the 30th of the month so there was no time for this to happen and the affiliate earnings were effected negatively. However, once the player plays with the funds during December, should he lose them, the affiliate is now going to have a positive NR on which he will obviously earn commission. If the player decides to withdraw before he has a balance of $50, then the difference is deducted from his balance and a manual adjustment done to reflect this in the NR generated by the player, which we, for our own accounting purposes, also need to be correct.

Each case however has to be evaluated on a case by case basis, and we can never take a decision until the player eventually decides to withdraw. However as anybody can see there is no cheating, fraud, shaving etc involved. This particular case came at the "wrong timing"

Cheers & Merry Xmas to you and all the members of the forum!!

I know this is an old post but I am prepared to call BS on this.

The reason is this: CGCP program states that it has no negative carryover. That being the case, it implies that if the player lost the $5000 back or withdrew the next month, they would pay say 35% of the $5000 in commission. And of course we know they would not as it is phantom money. The problem is, the affiliate earnings from the prior month were wiped out by the phantom win.

Using phantom no deposit chip wins like this is an increasingly common scam used to reduce affiliate commissions. RTG casinos have been doing it for years (C-Planet, Gambling Wages etc spring to mind) and it looks like others have caught on to the trick.

I am also alarmed when I see statements such as "a manual adjustment done to reflect this in the NR generated by the player". I am sorry, but experience tells me that when "manual adjustments" need to be made, there are some that are inevitable forgotten, miscalculated, or deliberately ignored or delayed until a time that suits the program more than the affiliate. For example I have seen programs waiting until the affiliate is in negative near the end of a month, do the adjustment that still leaves the affiliate in the negative, with aforementioned commissions in another month wiped out. This is a simple calculation that the affiliate program software should be able to make.

I am glad to hear the poster received their money but I find it hard to believe that another affiliate who did not notice this going on in their account and create such a big fuss would get paid.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
I am glad to hear the poster received their money but I find it hard to believe that another affiliate who did not notice this going on in their account and create such a big fuss would get paid.

Im trying to be fair , and after carefully studying of clubgold statistics , i can say that they had/have big bug in stats , and only "live stats checking" helped me to find it . From other side , they had very detailed players statistics and i hope it wasn`t deliberate behaviour.

Finally , my opinion is , that affiliates should fight together against any unethical behaviour , or even against suspected programs.
Even if we combine the strength of ten (10 affilites- websites owners), and cease to promote the program (with AGD and GPWA support) until the situation/case/problem will be resolved - most problems will dissapear very fast.
But .. is it possible?

Club Gold Casino Partners

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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