Partner Gaming / Linesmaker

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
I have been with Partner Gaming (Linesmaker) since 2005 and have always given them top billing. A previous manager at Partner Gaming (Linesmaker) told me while I didn’t bring in many players the ones I brought in bet often and sometimes big and played there for years. The program changed a few yrs ago and now I am dropped from there program and money is owed me, I am not sure how much because they locked me out.

On March 22, I received 20 (Twenty) of these emails from them, which was pretty normal for me.

A new sale was posted to your earnings account. Sale details:
Commission: $$$$
Date&time: 2013-03-22 06:22:35
Status: Approved

Not all emails said I had this much commission, ½ most likely saying the players won money, but my point is I was still making them good money howbeit older players. (Remember lifetime of the players). That was in the terms I signed under, they are gone now. On the 23 of March I went to change some Linesmaker banners and was locked out. I emailed them and they replied I was in the process of being terminated because I had no new players since Feb of 2012. That was never in the old contract and is not in the new one. I asked about the commissioned due me and Angelina Taylor my affiliate manager told me they didn’t have to pay me because my last new player was Feb of 2012 and didn’t have to pay me after 6 months of being terminated. Neither are in the old or new T and C’s. She told me to read in the T and C’s 11.2, Well here is 11.2:

“If we continue to permit activity (generation of revenue) from customers after termination, this will not constitute a continuation or renewal of this Agreement or a waiver of termination. When enrolled under a net revenue scheme you may be able to collect earnings from our program up to 6 months after the date of termination. “ Here is the term letter they sent me, you can see the date. Not even close to being 6 months after they terminated me:

March 27, 2013. Hi Charles (Affiliate ID 1473):
"The purpose of this communication is to inform you of the regrettable but necessary decision to terminate your affiliate agreement with Partner Gaming due to the lack of any newly referred customers beginning March 2012.
All rights and licenses previously afforded pursuant to the Agreement with Partner Gaming are no longer in effect.
Please remove all related links and graphics from your websites.
While we very much appreciate your past efforts, the relationship is no longer beneficial.
Regards, Angelina Taylor, Affiliate Relations Manager"

What a way to end 7 year partnership saying......The relationship is no longer beneficial?

And what the hell can I do about it!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
There is probably nothing you can do about it, except what you are doing - posting on forums and making people aware of the problem. You could also try asking if any of the larger sportsbook affiliates might be able to intecede on your behalf.

This sucks but seems to be more and more common in the industry, I'm afraid.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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You can email me and give me all the information from your contact over there. I'll follow up with them and if this is the case they will be rogued (which is published on the big 3 affiliate sites).



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry, but customers have had problems with getting payments from this sportsbook/ casino for a long time already. It's the type of behavior that should be expected from operations like this.

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry, but customers have had problems with getting payments from this sportsbook/ casino for a long time already. It's the type of behavior that should be expected from operations like this.

That may be true and I will admit that I have heard this, but I have never heard it firsthand from anyone. I have pulled partners off of my site in the past when I heard first hand that someone who signed up from my site was having a problem and I coundnt help them, but I don't think anyone would pull a partner that they promoted for 8 years, made money with and never recived a complaint from anyone who joined thriugh a link from their site.

The bad news is now I do know someone, me LOL. I am going to take Guard Dog's off and email him. . Thanks for your comments and reply.

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
An Update.

This morning I got a check from Partner Gaming. I am still locked out, so I dont really know how much I have earned with them these past few months, but I am very satisfied. I was told they are going to post new terms up on their aff site so at least affiliates will be aware of their quota's, they also said they are going to reactive my account. (not really sure what I will do about that one.)

I have to thank Affiliate Guard Dog who down played his role in helping me, but will never convince me that he didnt have much to do with it.

So besides me getting my money, now there are (will be) up to date T&C's and while I and other affiliates might not like the new terms at least we will know what they are.

My hat is off to you Guard Dog, like we say in Chicago. "You carry some Heavy Clout man."


New Member
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
I guess there is possibly nothing Buddy M that be done about it, except posting this on forums, commenting on articles on casino blogs and making the other players identify this problem.This is certainly awful but has become an extremely general thing to happen in the online casino industry, which is quite terrifying....!!

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Just to clear it up. I contacted Guard Dog who was the one who worked this our for me and I did recieve my $$ and I am back promoting them.

I dont know how wise that is of me, but I will take the chance because as I have said in other posts; I have until this happened always had a good relationship with Linesmaker and PartnerGaming and I hope to continue to do so.

The checks and being able to get back into my affiliate act. was only possible with Andrews help.
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