New Server


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
I have moved AGD onto a new more powerful server which I have taken delivery of yesterday. Whilst DNS propogation is still not complete, you may instead access the forums on the old server. However to stop the case of potentially losing posts, I have now closed the forums on the old server should you still be directed there.

Unfortunately a couple of posts made on the forum on the old server, are lost from here. I counted two in total.

The new server, means that AGD will have no resource issues for a long long time. Unless AGD and my sites which I host on the server start receiving upwards of 5000+ constant connections. We can only dream...... :)

If anyone is interested. The spec of the new server is TWO Quad Core Processors and 8GB of ram.

There will also be around 10 mins downtime later today, when the hosting company move the server behind my dedicated Juniper Firewall.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Speedy system! Thanks Dave, this is the first time in awhile that the server has been running well. I'll have to check on the posting as that was a problem even when the server was running fast previously. Hopefully that is fast too :)