Don't dam it, let the river flow


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
This is "free for all", so I would like to be free. Thank you.
The 'Forum Rules' button doesn't work Andy :p but I will comport myself with netiquette anyway.

I have questions for certain super affiliates that have gone unanswered due to me being (rightfully) banned at other sites. (for other reasons, yup)

I would like to know if I may ask simple questions here as long as they are respectful and well formed. My only agenda is transparency for the good of all and I won't tolerate a victim stance by those who are pulled up into the light.

I promise to conduct this inquisition with the utmost respect,.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Oh, wait a minute, I forgot. The crusade is over. I'm here to make a buck.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
if this post is ignored for a week my first question will be for bb and it sounds like this

My next question will be for his minion, max and it will sound like this

My 3rd ? will depend on the respnse.

i want to know all conflicts of interest the bb holds, but most importantly I want to know if anyone cares if max makes money to this day from his links on crytologic owned websites like wol and he can tell us if he does or pss off forever as guy who wasn't straight from the get.

I am not focused on those two numbskulls, but t is a good place to start


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
... I am not focused on those two numbskulls, but t is a good place to start
Lojo, you know I love you man, but you just can not control yourself at the keyboard of a computer. :(
Time to find yourself another pass-time methinks.

I wish you well in all you do which is NOT related to slagging off highly respected members of our online community.



Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
I can be antagonistically strange (thank you, been looking for that coin) but never mundane nor ad hominemistic.

At the risk of losing my last voice on the forums (and I am slagging no one, respected or otherwise) I simply wish to know with certainty if Mr. B owns any casinos and I would also like to know if Mr. D makes money from the rogue links on the Cryptologic owned website winneronline.

If the answer is yes, the solutions are simple - divest, and donate.

These are not accusations, they are questions. If the way I ask them is unacceptable, please help me reform them. i actually do lose sleep wondering so any help would be appreciated.

Cronyism (where unwitting pals put up the victim stance in stead) is an onion layer that makes my eyes water and makes for bad breath if eaten, so if you have no information please refrain.

If "OMG how could you even ask a thing like that?" is near anyone's mind then stick a fork in it.

But like I said, I am not focused on those two questions, I have many more for others and the solutions are the same there - namely divest and donate, but lets let a little ray of sunshine in on some of these doings so the righteous can shine bright and unsullied (sorry if a question seems like an accusation but answer it).

I've been down this road with questions of other super affiliates before (definitely tainted) and I've seen the surrogates and minions and well intentioned create havoc and say i have no standing to ask - so please separate the question from the inquisitor if you are offended by my asking. And if my asking is somehow disruptive of this forum's mission, by all means say so or ban me and delete this thread leaving a black mark on history.

AGD does excellent work, I'm not trying to mess with that.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
And just so we are clear here going forward, yes Mr. C is next if I am allowed to continue this line of questioning.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is not the place for this. This board discusses the T&Cs of aff programs. It is about aff programs and how they conduct themselves. It is about affs being treated fairly by their partners. It is a very specific, targeted board.

I realize you have unresolved issues with some in the industry, but these folks do not run aff programs and so they are off topic.

Topics here are very focussed, so that we can provide a good resource for affiliates, intended to help everyone in choosing aff programs without having to spend hours and hours reading legalese and comparing terms.

How other affiliates conduct their message boards is totally irrelevant here. You'll need to find a more compatible message board if you want to discuss that.

So, if you want to learn how to pick aff programs to promote, you have come to the right place. If you want to explore how other affs conduct their business - I am sure you can find message boards that will engage in this. It invariably generates flames and heated discussions and culminates in attacks - something that doesn't belong on a professional board such as this.

Since controversy is something that puts message boards on the map - lots of people like to read about it - I am sure you will find someone who is happy to publish this stuff.

Here we prefer discussing the pros and cons of various aff programs.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Thank you for your direction, I will follow it.

May I count on you as a peer for review while I find my footing here? Not a high maintenance relationship by any means, a simple PM now and then to query whether i should embark in a certain direction?

Regardless of your long time and past associations I actually do trust and respect you and I know full well that if i asked you if you had 'secret pages' with rogue links that your answer would not be unsettling. That was not a back handed allegation, nor a carrying on of my original question it was an affirmation in my belief in your integrity so please accept it as intended.

This is not the place for this. This board discusses the T&Cs of aff programs. It is about aff programs and how they conduct themselves. It is about affs being treated fairly by their partners. It is a very specific, targeted board.

I realize you have unresolved issues with some in the industry, but these folks do not run aff programs and so they are off topic.

Topics here are very focussed, so that we can provide a good resource for affiliates, intended to help everyone in choosing aff programs without having to spend hours and hours reading legalese and comparing terms.

How other affiliates conduct their message boards is totally irrelevant here. You'll need to find a more compatible message board if you want to discuss that.

So, if you want to learn how to pick aff programs to promote, you have come to the right place. If you want to explore how other affs conduct their business - I am sure you can find message boards that will engage in this. It invariably generates flames and heated discussions and culminates in attacks - something that doesn't belong on a professional board such as this.

Since controversy is something that puts message boards on the map - lots of people like to read about it - I am sure you will find someone who is happy to publish this stuff.

Here we prefer discussing the pros and cons of various aff programs.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
If my posting privileges and immunities are going to be revoked i would like to apologize in advance for being off topic.

A little tutelage would go a long way here. Many know my experience to be invaluable and as ascorbic as I can be some times, i honestly believe I have something of great value to offer.

If cronyism gets me booted the black mark is not on me.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
No one said anything about booting, you asked whether a certain thread topic would be of interest here and you got an answer.

You really don't need any review - I think my post above was pretty clear. Sure, you can always shoot a PM if in doubt - all the mods here are happy to help out for that matter.

I am also on "semi vacation" for the next few weeks. That means I put in a minimum amount of time on the computer and the maximum possible amount of time out of doors.

So, carry on and may your site thrive.

What is it by the way? I don't see a signature.
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Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Geez Dom, are you saying that i would have to divulge affiliations with casinos to participate here? I am not an affiliate, nor will I ever be under the current model.

Please enjoy your vacation, I'm not going to push the river here.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
But sure, in the interest of full disclosure here is a half baked idea I have created. I don't intend to go forward with it alone but you asked so I answered.

Toadja it was half baked ;)
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Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
But sure, in the interest of full disclosure here is a half baked idea I have created. I don't intend to go forward with it alone but you asked so I answered.

Toadja it was half baked ;)

Interesting :) I like the design.

Let's see what becomes of it. Looks like a good start to me.

Signatures in forums don't count as SEO - no matter how many you have, only one link of lesser value is counted from each forum.

So,the sigs are mainly for transparency.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score

Hey nice to meet you.

Am I missing something ( probably schooling ) but i don't understand any of your posts.


But sure, in the interest of full disclosure here is a half baked idea I have created. I don't intend to go forward with it alone but you asked so I answered.

Toadja it was half baked ;)


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Hey nice to meet you.

Am I missing something ( probably schooling ) but i don't understand any of your posts.


Nice to meet you too (slice of bread)

I think you understand full well but this thread is off-topic for AGD so feel free to open a new one with an appropriate topic (BS)

lojo (slice of bread)