Why I don’t trust bet365 any more. How bet365 get free traffic from affiliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 26, 2012
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I worked with bet365 about 7 years. So players base growth permanently and becomes big. They pay something and I trust them. But now situation changed and I feel need to inform community about my issue.

In December 2013 my account get huge negative =something like previous year earnings. When I asked for information about what happens my manager Alex Smith inform me that some player wins a lot on beach volleyball and refuse (referred to some interning rules) my polite demands to give full information about his bets (I wanted to see it cause know that limits in beach volleyball is very small and this story was strange for me). I decide to continue my work and send traffic hopping my account will come out from negative, but … until the middle of July my account has same negative like in december. My players from losing all years before like everywhere becomes winning.

On my proposition pay me for my work (I think bet365 earns on margins and my players make huge turnovers) Alex Smith don’t answered at all ...

So the moral of this story is that until you are small aff. they will pay you but when you become bigger it is easy to stop pay and you will continue send traffic like me for free until understand situation and then lost your players base and several years of work for it making.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I am frustrated with them. I find the affiliate backend the worst of all programs I work for. There are no detailed stats at all. Also does not seem to give correct numbers. It shows clicks from my links only when an active player makes deposits. I have had good year and finally earning money have around £400 in earnings I would had loved to withdraw. But NO only got 3 players even tried a friendly long email but was told sorry minimum 5 players. And that is despite been with them for couple years now.

But seems something wrong with their linking stats etc. Anyone else feels this way? How can a big company like Bet365 who are miles ahead everyone else in sports betting industry have such a poor affiliate backend is a big riddle for me. I really wish there would be proper details like we see with Income Access back ends.

You can not even see player user name or number. There are only simple stats available. No proper detailed info about your banners and links. Which I am very frustrated about unless I missed something.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I have stuck with them, despite the NCO leaving me with no income for many periods over the years (including my record 30 months in the red!).
The stats are crap, but I do trust them to be honest.

The big problem is, they are a BIG name in gambling (in the UK at least) and it seems that ALL the big boys treat their affiliates with a certain amount of contempt. It's the same with the like of Will Hills, 888, Bet Victor and recently, Ladbrokes too.
These are massive companies who spend literally millions on TV and other media advertising, so small affiliates making them up to say £1,000 a month are just a tiny drop in a very big ocean. In fact, I'm surprised they even bother trying to recruit small affiliates in the first place.
BIG affiliate operators probably get good treatment from them, but us small guys may as well not bother with them to be honest as all we are likely to get from them is crap. :(



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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It's the same here with Sportsbet/IASBet and Paddy Power (who owns both of these). All three should all be put on the rogue list.
Both affiliate programs for Sportsbet and IASBet, retroactively change their terms around Jan 2013, which essentially gave them to power to steal affiliate earnings, based on quota's.

These same sh*t holes, spend millions of AU dollars on advertising, along with other grandstanding stunts. But are happy to steal $200; $450; $800, from loyal (small) affiliates, who stuck by them from day one! It's criminal and the affiliate community should, imo rogue any bastard who pulls these crooked acts. Albeit they are massive companies BUT bad press is bad press and I think, most people, if they knew these places were stealing from the pockets of the "little people", I'm sure a majority wouldn't be too impressed. And may possibly stop playing.

NB - Small affiliates make up around 95% of all affiliates. That's a pretty big voice to have...just saying!

The reason affiliates think blacklisting doesn't work, is because most hit it a rogue program hard for a few weeks, then give up. If people continued to hammer these bastard with unrelenting "bad press", I can aussure it would eventual hurt them enough, to reconsider their choices.

Without going into specifics, I did this myself (not for this industry)... week in week out, a couple of short blogs posts a week for 3 years straight. It must have worked cause the company eventually had so much bad press, for just about every possible search phrase, I ended up getting paid, what was owed and then they had to turn around and spend a lot more money to change their company name.
Last edited:


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
But seems something wrong with their linking stats etc. Anyone else feels this way? How can a big company like Bet365 who are miles ahead everyone else in sports betting industry have such a poor affiliate backend is a big riddle for me.

It's likely by design, their affiliate reporting stats are intentionally cr*p to display as-little-as-possible, to their partners. Makes it easier to shave and steal :mad:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I have stuck with them, despite the NCO leaving me with no income for many periods over the years (including my record 30 months in the red!).
The stats are crap, but I do trust them to be honest.

The big problem is, they are a BIG name in gambling (in the UK at least) and it seems that ALL the big boys treat their affiliates with a certain amount of contempt. It's the same with the like of Will Hills, 888, Bet Victor and recently, Ladbrokes too.
These are massive companies who spend literally millions on TV and other media advertising, so small affiliates making them up to say £1,000 a month are just a tiny drop in a very big ocean. In fact, I'm surprised they even bother trying to recruit small affiliates in the first place.
BIG affiliate operators probably get good treatment from them, but us small guys may as well not bother with them to be honest as all we are likely to get from them is crap. :(


BIG affiliate operators:
not surprising, rank has it's privileges.


Notification Admin
Staff member
Dec 17, 2006
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A reminder is sent to all affiliate managers.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 1, 2012
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I work with them for about three years and out of that I had two or three negative months (in the beginning only) but always erased the red numbers the next month. I always get payments from them on time.

I don't have a personal assigned AM and each time someone else replies to me, sometimes they don't even add their name to the email and it comes from a generic email (365affiliatessupport@whatever.com). When you ask them, they will usually provide you some detailed info such as countries of the players, deposits or stuff like that. Why they don't display this in the affiliate backend is a mystery to me.

But when I compare them with other sportsbooks, they are very good in terms of conversion rate and support (both affiliate and player). I don't think they would want to shave you, they are a big family-owned company and shaving doesn't sound like them.

So the moral of this story is that until you are small aff. they will pay you but when you become bigger it is easy to stop pay and you will continue send traffic like me for free until understand situation and then lost your players base and several years of work for it making.
What is a bigger affiliate for you? $10k a month? $100k a month?

Gary Gillies

New Member
Nov 18, 2014
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I never have any issues with bet365 and they treat me really well. They pay on time and tracking seems fine.

But saying that i have never had a negative month, will see how it goes if someone wins big.

Worst day i had was the 50 football favs winning on the same day.


New Member
Dec 7, 2014
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Bet365 is probably the best bookie in the UK. The poor stats are mystery for bad or good, doesn't matter. I had 1 month with negative, but in the future i hope everything to be fine.


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
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Well I worked with them for over just 8 months now but I had no issue so far. But yes I can understand that they will twist their rules and always hide something from us.

Bet365 Affiliates

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Predatory
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



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