Recent content by tracassins

  1. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

  2. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    response received today "Hello Lucas, I hope you are well! All the information I send you is what I got from those making the payments, which means I have no idea about the payment process, and I have to request information about a specific payment each time - sometimes the information is if...
  3. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    and here once again they play dead, see the messages but don't respond
  4. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    Vous doivent-ils beaucoup ?
  5. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    they say that to everyone they say that to everyone
  6. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    for my part still nothing received I find this unacceptable,@MissExposé . the username and....tracassins more now 2 months without payments
  7. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    bizarrement voilà la réponse "Bonjour, j'espère que vous allez bien ! Je viens de recevoir une information selon laquelle le paiement vous parviendra lundi ou mardi"
  8. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    c'est clair il devrait vraiment les bannir de partout
  9. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    Hello, I am affiliated with Moonshine, partner with Martin as manager. I have had a lot of payment failures during our transactions. They forget about me sometimes and tell me to wait week after week but there is nothing. I invest a lot of money in SEO traffic for HORUS / KRYPTOSINO / VEGAZ /...
  10. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    déjà arrêter ,et que les personnes concerné arrête d'exercer
  11. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    si jamais vous souhaitez des partenaires fiables qui payent leurs affiliés n'hésitez pas en direct :.cid.daac3a6200b9f26b
  12. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    je connais pas vpartners cest quoi?
  13. tracassins

    Affiliate Non payment Moonshine partner

    beaucoup de problème avec ce casino, pas mal de monde s'en plait ,il serait peut être temp que cela cesse!!!!!!
  14. tracassins


    Bonjour à tous, Etant sur le terrain comme beaucoup de personnes ici , je recherche depuis plusieurs années un partenariat fiable. En CPA ou revshare Disposant d'une communauté assez importante via les réseaux sociaux site et mobile j'aimerais donc savoir si vous avez des avis ou...