Recent content by breakfastman

  1. B

    Betting Partners rebranded to Revenue Network

    Finally got a reply and have access to the new site. As far as I can see now the stats seem to be correct for me.
  2. B

    Betting Partners rebranded to Revenue Network

    I cannot access the new system and they still have not paid my December commission. They owe me over $15k, so I'm getting extremely frustrated with the lack of response.
  3. B

    Betting Partners rebranded to Revenue Network

    I've been trying to contact them for almost a week now, both by email and through their ticketing system. No reply at all.
  4. B

    Affiliate Account Management Update

    I haven't been paid my December earnings. The password reset on their new system doesn't work and the stats on the 'old' site haven't been updated sine the 20th. Anybody got a clue what's going on?
  5. B

    Betting Partners Issue

    I contacted them this week about this. To counter ddos attacks, they only allow US and Canada IP addresses, so the only option is to go through a proxy.
  6. B

    Betting Partners Issue

    Yes, I'm having the same troubles. I can't login from my location (France). If I use a US proxy, I can.
  7. B

    Betting Partners Issue

    My stats were stuck for two days too, but are updated now.
  8. B

    Betting Partners Issue

    I still get the "Request blocked Exceeded requests/sec limit." error